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Jedd Yang jeddiot
Product Engineer @ Syntec Technology, currently focusing on C# developement.

Syntec Technology Hsinchu City

Michael Paulino mi6paulino
Graphic designer , data analyst , observer scientist, Journalist

20R00mz Productions New York City

mocenigo mocenigo
Father, Composer, Mathematician, Cryptologist. Former architect at ARM. Designed QARMA. Chaotic good. Notorious craic killer.

Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Darshan Patel darshanp4
Software Engineer @ Fujitsu

Fujitsu India

Jimmy_Chen jimmy3769tw
“As a software engineer, I actually don’t have a strong inclination for coding. I prefer coding alongside fun and engaging colleagues.”

NanShan Senior High School Taiwan

Ferdinand Mom 3outeille
Research engineer

HuggingFace France

XC xchehub
Nowadays, we generate photos instead of shooting them.
HY Chang splasky

Taiwan/New Taipei City