GitbookIO community Discussions
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You must be logged in to vote ❓ I have no permissions on the Docsite I created myself.
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Can't Delete Site
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Links to No Longer Work
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ BUG: Gitbook AI search is not indexing pages correctly
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote 💻 Published content does not display - returns "No content found" or "Too many requests"
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Content is not being updated on published site
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ [Urgent issue] Side menu disappears and can't reach to the page
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Error 1015
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ changes do not get updated
bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Selecting the insert block option replaces the current block
fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Page duplications with /~/comments - bad for SEO?
bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Clicking merge doesn't update the site.
pa-change-requestsChange request workflow: Creating, submitting, reviewing, fixing and merging change requests fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
❓ Far too many of our users are finding themselves unable to login with error shown
bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Button "+" (for adding new elements) not working/responding
pa-editor-and-content-blocksWriting, structuring and creating content, complex content blocks (tables, Swagger, etc.) and overa fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Redundant User Icons in Editor
bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Can't Edit book because edit button invisible
pa-editor-and-content-blocksWriting, structuring and creating content, complex content blocks (tables, Swagger, etc.) and overa bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Give the option in mermaid diagram to show only diagram
pa-integrationsThird-party integrations and custom content blocks fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Error while publishing the space
bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Headbar flickering on safari iOS
bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Preview issues - new card links do not work; some images do not display
bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ BUG: Diff mode no longer shows the changes made inside each page
bug fixedfor any issues that have been fixed