GitbookIO community Discussions
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You must be logged in to vote 📧 When exporting to PDF, Korean is not visible.
product-feedbackFor posts about asking for or giving feedback on GitBook bug -
You must be logged in to vote 💻 New changes break the design
product-feedbackFor posts about asking for or giving feedback on GitBook -
You must be logged in to vote ↔️ OPENAPI 3.0 with multiple examples not showing
pa-editor-and-content-blocksWriting, structuring and creating content, complex content blocks (tables, Swagger, etc.) and overa product-feedbackFor posts about asking for or giving feedback on GitBook -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Something strange when editing with Chinese (Bopomofo)
pa-language-and-i18nChoosing a language for your space, and maintaining documentation in multiple languages product-feedbackFor posts about asking for or giving feedback on GitBook -
You must be logged in to vote 🔄 GitLab Sync Feedback
product-feedbackFor posts about asking for or giving feedback on GitBook -
You must be logged in to vote ❓ Bug - Narration, function naming conventions
pa-integrationsThird-party integrations and custom content blocks product-feedbackFor posts about asking for or giving feedback on GitBook