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Prateek Mehrotra prateekmehrotra

Amazon Web Services Seattle

Gabriel R. Antunes guesant
404 bio not found

Ji-Paraná, Rondônia. Brazil.

Gabriel Oliveira ogabriel
25 years old, bachelor's degree in computer science, linux & vim enthusiast, backend software engineer at @petlove.

@Hginsights São Paulo-SP, Brazil

lisamccorkell lisamccorkell
Data Analyst | Python Dev | SQL @HGInsights :

HG Insights Santa Barbara, CA

Weslei Juan Novaes Pereira wesleimp
Primarily working with Elixir/Phoenix. OCaml enthusiast. I like using Neovim

@hginsights Brazil, SC

Silvio Greuel silviogreuel

Jaraguá do Sul - Santa Catarina - Brasil

Paulo Daniel Gonzalez pdgonzalez872
Programmer, loves Elixir!


Mike Ortiz emike108

Santa Barbara, CA

Hector Saenz hsaenzdev
Fullstack Developer

Nuevo Laredo

Matheus Fernandes mmendesc

Intricately Fortaleza,Ceará