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jlreartes cua4atro
Escribo codigo Flutter, like a Senior. Hago videogames en Rust 'cuz se aprende jugando. Implementado a blockchain de juguete para el Estanciero. True story.

@DartAndFlutter-ar Córdoba, Argentina.

roll rolldo

Ha Noi Cienco5

Anton Antonyakov
Mobile app developer (Dart Flutter)


Dimitris K dkoupats
From Greece. Actively interested in data science and web development.

Data Hermeneutics Greece

Rachael Sikes LGandH1234
Director of Product Experience @HorizonincIAN

@HorizonincIAN Texas

Soufiane Saadouni soufianes98
Garbage Collector


feras377 githubdlke
مطور برامج

Juwerio Mohamed Omar Juweriomohamed
Software Developer

Simad University

Famousherself FamousHerself
Linkinbio and not interesting info are nowadays our bio.
Nabeel Parkar exaby73
Software Engineer at @invertase

@invertase Mumbai, India

Francesco Iapicca iapicca

@yakforward-ou Rovaniemi

Yavuz Selim Ulucan thaldi
Doing some developer stuff.

Ankara, Turkey