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Basant saini Basant1Saini
Backend Dev. Movies, series, games (Chess, PUBG, GTA V), music (Punjabi & Rajasthani).

Not yet Jaipur, rajasthan

Chris (Gentle) Y杨 node
Focus on tech leadership, open source, Platform Engineering #HAM BG7KAY

公众号:@数理话 SciBuzz @平台工程洞察 Shenzhen, China

Haowei Hsu hwhsu1231

Taipei, Taiwan (China)

John Qing NoHeartPen
Computational linguist & Chinese, JavaScript & Japanese, Pythonista & Polyglot, TypeScript & Translator.


张 Xealong A-FK369
生物->动物科->灵长类; Human beings, on the other hand, are reeds that can think


Shichun Feng (Sean) KeyOfSpectator
Focus on Cloud Native Observability and Kubernetes.

Alibaba Beijing

Xuehang Cang xuehangcang
Life is short. You need Python.

Beijing, China

Weihan Li WeihanLi
.NET/C# Software Development Engineer Microsoft MVP, Open Source Contributor

null Shanghai, China

午夜 sumory

Bytedance Inc. Beijing

Li Yingping Bye-lemon
Dalian University of Technology / Computer Engineering / Python-Flask Back-end Developer

Dalian University of Technology Dalian, China

Abel Chen OceanChen2012
Focus on cloud-native construction, business implementation container transformation, microservice governance, DevOps landing practice, etc


Nemo kanghaov
Robotics and Cluster Control R&D Engineer

ShenZhen and Hong Kong

Ju4tCode yanyongyu
Code for fun. Love Python & NLP & Full Stack & Cyber Security. Mentor of China OSPP 2021-2024. Owner of @nonebot. mailto:

@nonebot @botuniverse Shanghai, China

Allen allenliule


Jiangge Zhang tonyseek
Yet another software developer.

Beijing, China