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Roberto Maldonado robertomaldonado
M.Sc. Computer Science [FSU -2019]

Quito, Ecuador

Anastasiia Batarei batareechka
<html> <div><a>


capi-nemoo Capi-nemoo
i will be out there somewhere


The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

Luis Marrero luismarrer
💻 Software lover | Committed to constant learning 🦉| ⚡ Solving real-world problems with code 🤲

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Maddie Amelia Lewis maddieamie
Queer Creative. Software developer beguiled by web apps, user interaction, accessibility, and game creation.


Sean van Zuidam GrimLink
Frontend Developer, CSS maniac, Gamer and also the creator of @fylgja

@hyva-themes @fylgja Zwolle, Netherlands

Teoh Han Hui teohhanhui
I'm looking for a job in @rust-lang 🦀 Formerly worked on @api-platform

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Chris Thomas chris-c-thomas

@Argonne-National-Laboratory Chicago, IL

Frontend Developer

CAVU Northwest, England, United Kingdom

Glenn Tatum GlennTatum

Rochester Institute of Technology

Dan Cormier dancormier
Front-End Developer at Stack Overflow. Formerly at TED.

@StackExchange Asheville, NC

Savannah Acevedo savvycolleen
Software Engineer

@100Devs Florida, US

Stephen Belyea stephenbelyea
Front End dev hooked on a11y, performance, and usability.

@venasolutions Kitchener, ON

Rosalie McGrath RM-1978
Hey There! I’m currently working with the Government of Canada on service and UX Research for digital hiring tools.

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 90 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON

Christine Belzie CBID2
Technical Writer | Open Source Enthusiast

@EddieHubCommunity @AccessibleForAll @open-sauced New York

Emily Miller bugITwhisperer
bugs bug me! ;-)

Future-Processing SA

Brian Michael Poblete Brian-Pob
Web developer, UX designer, and aspiring a11y expert | M.S. Computer Science Graduate from Florida State University

Seattle, WA

Gabriel ML gabrielml
Enthusiastic about web design, open source, Linux, DBMS, HTML, CSS, JS, TDD, VCS


Raihan Nismara raihan71
web specialist | host podcast

@telkomdev Bandung

Marcus Morba MarcusMorba
Please see LinkedIn for details. In short: a11y, Drupal, Frontend, UX/UI, Design Systems. Former DJ/VJ and fanboy of audiovisual & digital art & projects.

Freelance creative Nuremberg area/Germany

Sascha Gibson SaschaGibson

BeTa Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH

Shaun Knowles primitiveshaun
Intrepid explorer of digital realms

@primitive UK

Jeff Knaack knaackbuilt
Web & Accessibility Engineering Lead for @OGS-Digital-Service and Pro-Union. Inclusion isn't controversial. Opinions are my own, my work is public.

@OGS-Digital-Service Upstate New York

Agustina agustinadeledda
Jr QA Tester - Sr Accessibility Tester - Scum Master


T traycn

United States

Vladimir Mijić neuralmaticv
🤖 ML/AI Research Student

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Matt Price appletsauce

United States of America

Valerii Vasyliev ValeriiVasyliev
WordPress/WooCommerce Expert

Gratta Studio Valencia, Spain

Abdullah Mzaien mzaien
Software engineer working in frontend land, Interested in user experience, OSS, a11y

@Malaa-tech Saudi Arabia

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI