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Two branches diverged in a repo. And sorry I could not commit to both And be one contributor, long I stood And looked at one as long as I could To where ...


Matt Noli-Me-Tangere
Management consultant with a passion for cybersecurity. Here is where I'll share my projects and any helpful resources.
MS m09y
Lead Engineer

Bengaluru, IN

Adrian Kieß adriankiess
Adrian Kieß is a programmer and administrator. He is currently taking part in the history seminar at the University of Leipzig.

@kiess-onl Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Akash Kumar Dhaka adhaka
Software Engg. @amd

Aalto University Helsinki, Finland

Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack, 18 years old
Athit Kao atet
I love building prototypes and creating tutorials; let's collaborate!
Vaema Vaema
Greetings! I am Vaema, a video game designer and modder.
Yinzhanghao Zhou floatingCatty
Writing machine learning driven code for physical science applications.
Mohamed Feddad mrf345
Fullstack engineer and an open-source enthusiast.


3am Urban Explorer atray716
Very Interested in Learning Coding, AI, & Dev Any Helpful Tips/Tricks Please feel free to Reach Out. . .

3amUrbanExplorer United States Of America

jkdsdsdjsdsd hackingparrot32
מוכיח שאני יותר טוב ממגשימים
Tomasz Iniewicz itomek

MetaVast Quakertown, PA

Rituraj Singh RiturajSingh2004
I'm an AI/ML Engineer & Developer, Data Scientist with keen interest in AI and Cyber Security. #KeepEndeavouring
Aryan Singh aryan6673
I am16-year-old student with millions of dreams, driven by curiosity and creativity. Exploring the endless possibilities of science, technology, and innovation. New Delhi, India

Danijel Vujicic danijelvujicic
Loading... Bio Inventory. 66%...


Jonathan Romero romeroj748-creator

Drivewealth Technologies 97 Main Street Chatman, New Jersey 07320

Yunqian Chen (Frank) Frank51
DELL Software Engineer. Gopher, Kubernetes, VM.

@DELL Boston, MA

Zoy Bai amd-zoybai

AMD Austin Texas

Melek Derman melekderman
Ph.D. Student in Nuclear Engineering

Oregon State University OR

Mao mao1910
Not a Full-Stacker


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Muktesh Chaudhari mukteshchaudhari
Time to get start work

student Amravati

Hi there, my name is Abdullah! I love developing in C++—whatever it's related to, whether it's AI or kernel system development. Been into this for 2 years now.