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Felipe Abello pipeabellos

Infactory San Francisco

Nils Bunger nilsbunger

San Francisco, CA

Gimei Alex Gimmyalex
Junior software engineer with a main focus on Generative AI applications, Python software development, Data science, Blockchain Engineering, and Cyber security


entrepeneur4lyf entrepeneur4lyf
Technology Entrepreneur and developer

Engineered Automated Systems for Artificial Intelligence Kannapolis, NC

RinLit (alt) RinLit
My first GitHub alt account.

Our own world Asia, Earth

Vikram Ingleshwar vikramvi
[ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'JS', 'TS', 'React', 'React Native' , 'TDD', 'BDD' ]


Orion orionchat
Hi, i am Orion.


vraj patel vraj00222
I Love to code and Learn new things

Fullerton California

zbyufei zbyufei

Beijing, china

Tommaso Turchi tommasoturchi
Researcher | Coder

@Unipisa Florence, Italy

Vikas Wakde vikaswakde
Learn -> Build -> Contribute -> Repeat!


Jim NullLabTests
* Infosec, AI/ML, AR/VR (XR,) GenAI. * Continuous learning.
Mad Scientist AnotherMadScientist
Founder CTO & Founder, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur

Kate, Z reboottime
A curious mind, a good fisherman

Rochester, NY

Breyden Taylor prompted365
The parameters are purring, the tokens are tasty, and as always... ``` >_ context is all ```

Prompted LLC Indiana

William Oliveira williamso
Digital Products at Genial Investimentos

Genial Investimentos São Paulo - Brasil

Fahim Yasir fahim-ysr
👾 Digital Maestro 👾

NL, Canada

Prajna Kandarpa prajnak

@CognitiveScale Hyderabad, India

Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Imran Ahmed imran-techvoyager
Code. Code. Code. Repeat. 🚀
FullStackGuru devguru84
Senior Software Engineer

Fortunes Tech

Pham Van Khang vkhangstack
Software Engineer & DevOps

IntelIn Technology Joint Stock Company (ST Group) Vietnam

Rajashekhar zlr-raja
I, Rajashekhar A, am an Associate Architect at ZelarSoft with over 12 years of experience in full-stack engineering and UI/UX development.


genix PratikDhanave
Mentor for Google summer of code 2022, 2021,2020,2019, Intern for Google Summer of Code 2017-2018
Ali alioftech

Medal Social AS

frontender all3n49
I was never cut off for the boy scouts when I was younger, so I joined the man scouts when I was 7. @amaan-bhati का बैकप एवं गुप्त अकाउंट हू


Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

Hsiang xiangst0816
Creating what I love.