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Rubens Franco francomile
Senior Systems Engineer | DevOps. Solutions Engineer at @varnish

@varnish Spain

Zubaidullo zubaidullo
SDE Seattle, WA, USA

Benjamin Moll jbluv
Lead a team that keeps the global economy moving faster

Traffic Tech Orlando, Florida

Serdar Mutlu serdarmutlu
Used Oracle products including database, ERP, and development tools for many years. Now working with Postgresql, and developing extensions with his teams.
Liu Zhan liuzhan001st
Ph. D. in Engineering Mechanics.

Beijing, China

Wonseok Yang wonseokyang-de
Data Engineer, Open Source Lover | Python, Spark, Airflow and Neovim

KB Data System Seoul, Korea

John Freier gofullthrottle
I like building stuff. @Pangeam @VSTeam (Statricks) @EdgeLake

@Pangeam @VSTeam @EdgeLake Silicon Valley, CA

Loma Gerhold loma-gerhold
👨‍💻 Loma Gerhold | Web & AI Enthusiast 🚀 Passionate about web development, AI, and open-source 💡 Always building & exploring new ideas
Jason Dee jason-dee-swi
Senior Technical Trainer at SolarWinds


George Bodden Givemeyourshell
Network Security Engineer | Cloud Engineer | DevOps Engineer |

digital analog United States



Sphakamiso sphakamiso-git
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.


moumni heithemmoumni
Software engineer


Wahyudi Wibowo wahyudibo
I signed this:

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Alana Sales Alana-Sales
Computer Engineering Student | Web Developer


Prakash Vaithianathan prakashvaithianathan
Full-Stack Developer | Blockchain Developer | App Developer | AI


Hana Khoury h-khoury
Platform Engineer & SRE


Jared jemraider21
Programmer, YouTuber, a man that lives on fun! I am an IT Programmer major, currently working on my AA degree
haojie haojieonline
student of Beijing Jiaotong University @beijing jiaotong University

Beijing Jiaotong University

Hennie Francis henniefrancis

Capitec Bank Holdings Limited Western Cape, Cape Town

Alex Bonilla alexbonilla
Technical Support Engineer - Problem-solving | Python | Javascript | Node.JS | AWS.

previously @Cisco VA, United States

Luci6n Luci6n
Two biggest mysteries in the universe, why my code isn't working and how is my code working

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Malaysia

Nikola Surjanovic nikola-sur
Statistics PhD candidate at the University of British Columbia with research interests in scalable Bayesian inference and machine learning.

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC