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desouzacaio1986 desouzacaio1986
Programador Web Freelancer HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL.

Mercearia do Japa Brazil

Manoj Baishya manojbaishya
Building code stuff!


Devang Vartak Devang2304
Backend @EternIQ | Ex - Backend Intern @avinyaz | SPIT'25 | MERN Developer | Backend Developer | I build products that touch people's hearts

Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai

Para ParaXY
/爱喵汪&董姐撩/品域&战略风控#云容量化·XaaS#知行合一#互联協同合作联谊/随性随缘随法随心/握槽·倾天下;) 募志/尽人事&&听天命'无为无不为/KnowHow meansMore than KnowWhat/NULL Temporary...

DomIT Paradise.

Shambhavi ShambhaviCode
computer science engineering
Malay malaypatel
I am Java Lead.
Vagner Alves Vagner-Alves
Student at Federal Institute of Tecnology IFPE - brazil.

Recife PE

Anupam Khan AnupamIITISM
Researching on application of Artificial Intelligence on Power Sector || M Tech (CSE), IIT (ISM) || Computer Vision Nanodegree

Damodar Valley Corporation Kolkata

Dr. Nomader drnomader
Java developer | No question is a dumb question.

Seoul, South Korea

|| DevOps Engineer || Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) || Platform Engineer || Cloud Engineer ||

Canal Winchester, Ohio, United States

Javier Orlando Mantilla Portilla jmantillap
Software Developer | AWS | Java | PL/SQL | PHP | Angular | Laravel | Springboot | Transact-SQL | Banner (Ellucian) | Aprendiendo WEBFLUX

Pragma S.A Colombia

Evan Dodd EvanDodd
Scientist in the Plasma Theory and Applications group.

Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM

Akash Pal Singh akash8992
My dream today, is to wake up and code. #coding. 👨‍💻

OyeBusy Technologies Pvt Ltd Gurgaon

N V S Pavan Kalyan pavankalyan-nvs
Aspiring FullStack Dev| Frontend Dev 🚀 | JavaScript | ReactJs|

Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Manojkumar Kotakonda makkzone
I am a passionate and results-driven software engineer with a profound interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Shin, Hyun Kil shkdidrlf
Researcher (Department of predictive toxicology)

Korea Institute of Toxicology Seoul, South Korea

Jose Leonardo Alvarez nanox
Technical Account Manager, DevOps, SRE, Cloud Engineer, Red Hat Delivery Specialist, Linux Expert

SmartQubit S.A.S. Cali, Colombia

Ignatus Anim ignatus-anim
A computer engineering student, currently doing web development full stack, python programming and networking
Anikhet Mulky Anikhet
Floundering in the shallow waters of Software Engineering

Fremont, California

Barath Vedantham bvedant

Lincoln Financial Group USA

Josh Hubanks JHubanks

Kaplan, Inc. United States

Abhik Patra abhik1289
I'm Abhik Patra, Web Development Lead at the USC KIIT student community and a MERN stack developer with expertise in Next.js, GraphQL
