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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Braeden Sowinski SowinskiBraeden
Software Engineering Student & System Administrator

BCIT British Columbia, Canada

Mathieu AtMath

Renault Group Paris, France

Muhammad Abdullah Awan AbdullahCodingMaster
Certified Full Stack Developer with proficiency in a wide range of programming languages and frameworks.
TheGHoppers theghoppers Greece

Jesús Ayús jesusAG28
👨‍💻 Digitalizador de Negocios | Creador de soluciones que transforman empresas y crean valor en la era digital.

@conwork Alicante, Alicante, Spain

D3n1s.Net D3n1sNet
Ich, der Ersteller, bin nicht verantwortlich für Handlungen und/oder Schäden, die durch diese Software verursacht werden. Sie tragen die volle Verantwortung

dToolz Was y

Melpen Yogi melpenyogi
Web Developer and then CMS Web Design jayapura papua

assassin assasin0308

奥琦玮信息科技(北京)有限公司 北京市海淀区中关村创业大街

Johannes Alexander Putra Itsjohanes
Learn to Teach More, Teach to Learn more

@wengdev Bandung

Sérgio Campos Silvério campos-sergio
DDD(Dollar Driven Developer) • Ruby on Rails developer • Skilled feature builder • Fierce bug slayer o/

Mamute TI Tech Caraguatatuba - SP, Brazil

Facundo-Juan-Aceto-MDQ Facundo-Juan-Aceto-MDQ
REMOTE WORK ONLY. Editorial Graphic Designer.- Video Editor.- Programmer.-

Mar Del Plata

Naseer Ullah Awan NaseerUllahAwan
Web Developer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, MYSQL, Blogger, Flutter.

Coming Soon!!! Pakistan

Shohanul Alam Shohan494
Passionate Software Developer, Laravel and Github addicted, CodeIgniter was first love, interested in big scale, learning scalability and all interesting stuffs

Conocido B.V. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Alex Matos AlexMatosWeb
Sou autodidata, Desenvolvedor Full-Stack

Euclides Da Cunha

Hendril Mendes hendrilmendes
Estudante de Engenharia | Técnico em Informática | Dev Mobile

NetSYS Internet & Informática Jauru,Mato Grosso,Brasil

Rio Dev riodev99
Web Developer

South Sumatera, Indonesia

secjstnlt ohmyj
Hello World

Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia

ImhoDev ImhoDev
| Software Architect and Web Developer| | Laravel | CodeIgniter | Vue | Electron | | Cloud Computing expert | | Docker & Kubernetes & Terraform |

Memphis Memphis

Paolo tspaolorus
Paolo Russignan
Li Wufei liwufei
Full stack developer, currently focusing on ai native.

Guangzhou, China

Coder luckmoshy
Completely stalled Software developer (Software & Hardware Expert) , Daily Coding to Instruction


Aldy Adam aldyadam
My Bio

My Company My Location

Sabiilul Hikam Azzuhrie MOLAdev20
Junior Software Engineer

Tangerang, Indonesia

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Jacob Hands jahands
Helping build a better Internet @cloudflare


Muhammad Jaka Permana Putra Agus mjaka2000
Private Repositories

Freelance Indonesia

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Deznyc Walton Deznyc1222

Dallas TX