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Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Matt ~ Roots to Sky RootsToSky

Inspired Living Studio Toronto

Slava Maslennikov slavaaaaaaaaaa
Leader, Mentor, Consultant, Engineer, Founder, Cat dad!

Cool Consulting, LLC Pizza Town

Jamie Gaehring jgaehring
Living in Queens, working for farmers, sniffing out the code smells of capitalism.

@runrig-coop New York, NY

Ale dividedby-0
Full-Stack Dev
MAD CITY MULTIMEDIA madcitymultimedia
MAD CITY DISTRIBUTION West 30 Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90031, United States

MAD CITY MULTIMEDIA MAD CITY DISTRIBUTION West 30 Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90031, United States

Princess / Dimi Piraat dimipiraat
Geek/Pirate from Belgium, living in Cape Town, into crypto (as in encryption stuff and as in blockchain stuff)

Cape Town

Allison Turner Allison-Turner
computer nerd && devotee of mother anarchy

San Diego, CA

t0merius t0merius

BØИKƎRS LΛBS Bodenbach / Decin, Czechia

Tim Kersey tkersey
If you'd have asked me when I was 3 what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have said a bologna sandwich

@thisisartium Los Angeles, CA

Aspen Mayer aspenmayer
a person on the internet



In the middle of the forest, by that one really big rock.

John Fly jbfly46
Spook Spooker

Fly Family Corp Portland, OR

Tristan Lirette tristanlirette

Constellio (@doculibre ) Québec

Hugh Nowlan nosmo

Wikimedia Foundation Dublin, Ireland

Nova NovaAndrom3da
Privacy Enthusiast & Software Engineer
Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Bec Trapani errbufferoverfl
Bec is an anarchic gardener, knowledge librarian, and security engineer by trade.


希铁石z xitieshiz2
No gods, no masters!


Sparky Raccoon sparky-raccoon
A creative developer & generative artist - working as a #a11y frontend, mostly. Their side projects involve data / image processing & generation, electronics.


imcb irismessage
amateur developer
Cory Hutchison mutecipher
Chaotic neutral tinkerer

@GhostGroup Calgary, AB, Canada

Vinicius Yaunner viniciusyaunner
Programmer and Arch Linux user.

Jacob Oscarson jacob414
DIY-minded software developer, sometimes intellectual. Founder/implementer Juntoo (

Retired programmer, mostly climate activist nowadays Göteborg, Sweden

Daniel Nemenyi danielnemenyi
I'm a philosopher who mostly researches the conceptual history of cybernetics, but I get to code now and then mostly in Emacs Lisp.
Stefan Bohacek stefanbohacek
I like to make things that are fun and/or useful. Interested in civic tech, data visualization, and the open web.

New Jersey

i.efth. jethronap
Research, data & software...

Open Lab Athens