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Lucas Anjos lucasanjosqa
Analista de Qualidade de Software | QA | Testes e Automação | Cypress | Postman | Agile
Krasiuk Oleksii softvoyager
The better my client feel, the more I get
Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Alex alexsoyes
Fullstack JS freelance developer (Node.js / React.js)


Kelechi Precious Nwachukwu PluckyPrecious
Tech Zealot💜| Open to Learning 🫡| Full-stack MERN 👩🏾‍💻| Unfolding...✍🏾

Remote Nigeria

Vinod Rangaswamy Vukkalam vinodvr81
Life can basically be classified into two parts and one leads to another vice versa. First, finding your own self and second, creating yourself.

Self Greater Hyderabad

Akash Talole akashtalole
GenAI | AgenticAI | RAG | GPT | LlamaIndex | Langchain | Azure OpenAI | AI Search | Python | Django | Flask | OSS Enthusiasts | IoT | NodeRED | Security


Nazanin Yazdanseta Nzzznin
Python Developer, Software QA Engineer


Atanas Laskov 🏳️‍🌈 latanas
Web technologies and game dev.

@AbertayUni Dundee

Samuel Bueno Francisco samuelbuenofran
Every time that it is necessary to write a bio one can only expect to make up whole sentences and paragraphs out of thin air in order to deliver something neat.
Grupo Job Line - RH e Consultoria JobLineRHDev
O Grupo Job Line, com matriz em Indaiatuba, é formado por seis empresas especializadas em Mão de Obra Terceirizada, Temporária e Recrutamento e Seleção.

Indaiatuba, São Paulo, Brazil

Gaurav Sablok sciencegenome
Bioinformatician Python, RUST, Bash, SQL, SLURM, PyTorch, Tensorflow, XGBoost, Scikit-learn.


Ramasamy Shenbagaraj ramasamyshenbagaraj
Programming enthusiast. Interested in writing efficient algorithms and clean code in Java.

JP Morgan Pvt Ltd Bangalore

Financial Data Analyst | Obsessed With Data and Code, Asking Smarter Questions and Solving Problems One Line at a Time


Daniel Gil DanielGilConpend

Conpend Alicante, Spain

Noemy García noemy-garcia
💻 Full stack Web Developer 🖐🏼 DIYer & Maker & Crafter 👾 Gamer (LoL & Arcade)

Madrid, Spain

Izzan Fakhril Islam izznfkhrlislm
CS'16 Student at Universitas Indonesia | Software Engineer at @bliblidotcom | previously @tokopedia

Blibli Jakarta, Indonesia

Tamiris Souza TamySouzaa

FIT - Instituto de Tecnologia Sorocaba

Felipe Curty felipecrp
I'm Software Engineer that knows about security and who was kidnapped by the operation team. I contribute to the amazing open source world!

Rio de Janeiro, BR

Thayane Batista thayanebatista
Learning and coding is a passion!!


Bill Nguyen ducxinh
CTO at Kozocom Vietnam

Kozocom Danang, Vietnam

Vladislav Bolkunov vladDotH

SPb ETU "LETI" St. Petersburg, Russia

Takeshi Kishi takeyaqa
QA Engineer / Software Engineer in Test.

@Taimee Kanagawa, Japan

elysium306 elysium306
Has 11 years of engineering experience in variety of domains. Double degree in Engineering, into anything about everything from ME --> EE --> SE

FreeLancer United States

Erithacus MultidimensionalSock
Games Design and Programming graduate, Junior software tester Currently working on some games projects and working on making in engine tools.


Abdullah Aydoğan abdullah-aydogan
Software Testing and Quality Assistant Specialist

Testinium Istanbul / Turkey

Matt Shaw matthew-shaw
Principal Software Engineer at @LandRegistry & Owner of @MashSoftware

@LandRegistry Tavistock, UK

John Gunstone jgunstone
Engineering Software Development Leader @maxfordham. Writing code to help Engineers who design buildings make better, more transparent decisions; faster.

@maxfordham London

Arthit Suriyawongkul bact
Digital rights and civic tech at @thainetizen and @mekongict. Now doing PhD in AI ethics and data governance at Trinity College Dublin.

ADAPT Centre Dublin and Bangkok

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Hung Doan hung-doan
Geek Geek Guy Get Geek Geek' Goal


thanhtungxth thebeyond6789
Software Engineering

Ho Chi Minh City

Mohsen Rahbar MohsenRahbar
👨‍💻software Engineer | 🔭Skill :[oop/backend]💡Goal: to learn more 📫contact: [email✔/linkedin✔]
