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daocatt daocatt
PHP Developer / Project manager / product manager


Syed Bakibillah Sakib sakibian
Full-Stack PHP Laravel developer always look forward to learn new technique to solve a problem. Love to work with various people around the world.


Luiz Felipe Anunciato Nobre LuizAnunciato
I am passionate about Neural Chips and I will specialize in Neurotechnology. Currently, I am studying Computer Science 🖱️.

academiadodropbrasil Jacareí, SP

Salima Hammoudi salimahmudi
Proud, but never satisfied.


Eddy Lackmann eddylackmann
Passionate about Web Technologies , AI Technologies & Creative arts

Levisteria Hamburg Germany

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷🇺🇦 DeveloperPHP/Laravel @jsgtecnologia and @sistemaboss


Nasir Khan nasirkhan299

@glixen technology lahore

Vasyl 0chak
Web artisan

Magic Industries Molisn't, Italy

Gildonei Mendes Anacleto Junior gildonei
Analista de Sistema / Gerente projeto e desenvolvimento na Lupa Informática

Lupa Informática Brasil

Bambang Mohammad Azhari illusi03
Open To Work 🏢 . Don't hestiate to direct message in some social media if you have some opportunities 👋


Kime Arwud kimearwud22
Full-Stack Developer Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Rumah Sampah Indonesia

yaz ashsteel97
Memento Mori


adptra01 adptra01
Hello 👋 ....

Jambi, Indonesian

Ahmad Husni Zaim zaimabdullah

Peringat, Kelantan, Malaysia

Andre G B Farias andreriffen
Full Stack Developer. Student at Federal Institute, SC, Brazil.

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Rawaldeep Singh rawaldeep-newton
Web developer

newton Belgium

Pablo pabbec
Fullstack web developer. infosoft founder. building fidi

infosoft Avellaneda, Santa Fe, Argentina

Robert Alexander CurbSoftware
As a part of CurbSoftware's group of applications, I work on creating Risk Management solutions.

CurbSoftware Inc Canada

egprogrammer egproo

egprogrammer egypt

Nicolas Kojima NicolasKojima
Student at International Christian University (Major & Minor - Economics & Information Science)


Fábio Assunção fabioassuncao
Software Engineer | Node.js, PHP, Golang, K8S, AWS, GCP

São Luís, MA, Brasil

Radika radikaist
Watch & Learn.


Saddam Alwheeb SaddamAlwheeb
I'm a software programmer from yemen
Abdelkarim JAJA jajabdel
Software Engineer(Laravel, Tailwindcss, React, VueJs, Livewire, PHP)


Blaze geekwolverine
Full stack developer. Passionate about coding and curious to learn new technologies.
Bijan Khazaei bijankhazaei
Web and mobile developer