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Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Bhavikkumar Gajera bhavikg-dev
React JS, React Native, WordPress, NodeJS Developer

Ahmedabad, India

Vivek Rp vivekrp
Co-founder at Get Started (

@getstartedindia Bangalore, India

Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


joel kalema joel-kalema
Software Engineer - Javascript | Typescript | NextJs | NodeJs | GraphQL | web3 | React Native | Ruby

Microverse Kigali

git-ittechca-com dev-ittechca-com Dominican Republic

João Ricardo Rodrigues De La Cruz Baptista Johnnie88
• Experience using Azure and AWS Cloud as Software Engineer • Experience Development in Azure Cloud using many resources (AKS, ACI, Azure Functions, Logic Apps

Alien Build Tech

Vasudevan Srinivasan atrity

Atrity Info Solutions Pvt Ltd Chennai

Imtiaz Hussain Imtiaz513
Data Science| Data Analysis | Power BI, Python & MS Excel | Data Visualization | R Programing | SPSS | Minitab,

Drawphics Lahore pakistan

Hokam Singh Sisodiya hokamsingh
Hii devs...

@codesfortomorrow Indore India

Muhammad M-ilyas1
Frontend Developer | JavaScript & React Specialist | Blockchain Enthusiast

Drawphics Lahore Punjab / Pakistan

Volodymyr Iarovyi vyarovoy
Business System Analyst
Zawoj zawoj
I like coding, but I am not the best one 🤷‍♂️

@wayfdigital @zawojit Warsaw

Mareedu Saibabu msboffl
Full Stack Developer with 4 years of expertise in both Frontend and Backend technologies.

Accenture India

Ever Tech Bg evertechbg

evertechbg Bulgaria

StarDustEins StarDustEins
Focus on AI native, cloud native, and other new tec.

YananSunrise Co. Jupiter or Mars

Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanAnalistadeTI
Analista de Segurança da Informação, Software Developer, Programador Software Engineer, Apple Support Professional, Ethical Hacker, CyberSecurity.

Salvador - BA

任强 renqiang06
The Beauty Of Data

SVW shanghai,china

Vishal Verma vishalvrm4

Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Zapra Gartiast zapragartiast


Vigeesh Kumar V G vijeeshin
Developer, Frontend - Full Stack Developer

Mocoit Labs LLP Kochi

Michał Dziuba michaldziuba03
Node.js & C

@ever-co Lublin, Poland

Mosab Anini manini-1

ProGeeks Palestine

AI-storm 0xalpha0123
I strongly believe that having a solid understanding of core technologies allows developers to master at any frameworks.


Johnathan Radünz Nunes appoks
Unquiet. FullStack for now.

IBJJF CWB, Paraná, Brazil.

Soporboy sbatirov
CTO/CPO/Senior Data Engineer

EverbestLab LLC Tashkent

bdhacker bdrhacker

world wide world wide

Kashif Aslam mkashifaslam
Senior Full Stack Engineer | Software Architect (NodeJS, Angular, React, Redux, NestJS, Loopback, ExpressJS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis)

Self Gojra