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Dmitri kanopo
나는 디모

@zucchetti Parma, Italy

Anfänger in der Programmierung der seine Kenntnise etwas erweitern möchte.

THCoding Germany

Peter Romba ThoughtProcess
I'm trying to be a bit less ignorant every day.

Chicago, IL

nate n8-dev
I make things. I should make more on here.

@silverstripe @silverstripeltd Auckland

Tahri Turner TahriT
I follow AI, GameDev and Robotics. Most of my experience is hobbyist outside of C++ and python.
Jamie Roos Rooster212
Head of Software Engineering at ClearCycle. Software wise, I specialise in AWS serverless architectures in Typescript. Addicted to self-hosting and coffee!

@ClearCycle-UK Manchester, England

Götz Görisch GoetzGoerisch

@umati Frankfurt am Main

Rob Watts robwatts365
Microsoft Teams Phone and Rooms Expert. Passionate about all things Converged Communications.

@Microsoft United Kingdom

Pedro Miguel Correa Pedrookas07
< Hello, world! > Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for visiting! 😊

@Tycho-Techs Developers Sao Paulo, BR

Cyril Levis cyrinux
0x6A11D19BDD5F8B5E | IT, Hacker

Dailymotion Internet

Ryan de Jonge Naamloos
Full-time Fullstack Developer. Just want to make cool things. (Co)Creator of DSharpPlus.

Provrex B.V. Emmen, The Netherlands

Sam Marcus sammarcus

@fastly New York, NY

jwijffels Brussels, Belgium

Nothing worth having comes easy.

Qian Chia Studio Beijing

Lhinghoithem Hangshing ukexima20

ukeximpvtltd kangchup geljang

Dou Du dou-du

EPFL Laussane, Switzerland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd
