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West Sheriff westshgit
Software Developer, Wanderer, Rustacean, Functional Bros

@codetheproject Nigeria, Ibadan

Hussein Morsy HusseinMorsy
Professional Ruby on Rails developer since 2005

morSystem GmbH Düsseldorf, Germany

Alberto Rocha betogrun
I’m a software developer living in Recife-PE, Brasil. I am a fan of technology, programming, and web development. I’m also interested in open source.

@electionbuddy Recife, Brasil

Robert Alan Gemong snailbob
Making the web a better place.


John Trickett johntrickett86
🤓 Tech lover & PHP geek After running my own fire compliance business, I now focus on custom app development to help businesses get smarter with technology.

Stitch Digital United Kingdom

José Jaime josejames

@Innovatio-dev México

Dede Sunarwan DedeSnrwn13
Just Earth

Devhunts Sukabumi, Jawa Barat Indonesia

Marceau Casals MarceauKa
Full-stack web developper and entrepreneur

@EnSofDev Toulouse, France

Mathieu Santostefano welcoMattic
I love literature, mainly written in PHP. @symfony Core Team Member


Md. Ripon Mia riponahmed2201
Software Engineer at Solution Spin Limited

Solutionspin Limited Adabor, Mohammadpur Dhaka

Victor P Oliveira oliveiravictorp
Full-Stack Web Developer; Elixir (Phoenix); JavaScript (Svelte).

TrueChange SP, Brasil

Guo-Xun Liu saberLiou
A software engineer who enjoys playing badminton.

TWJOIN Co., Ltd. Taichung, Taiwan

Matin Mohammadi MatinDevsHere
Exploring Software Development
Donald Barrett emyb
T-Posing since wayback
Yanik Kumar yanikkumar
"Developer" Create Innovate Inspire & Serve :) I love to slap the keyboard with my fingers to build some stuff. Github Organisation: @believemaster

C-DAC, Mohali Himachal Pradesh, India

zhao zhao004
一个网络爱好者。(an internet lover.)
Bouakkadia Brahim kiakahaDZ
PHP, Laravel, Symfony, JS/TS, Angular, React, Nodejs Developer

FennecSoft Annaba

Ezequiel D. ezequidias
Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack

SP, Brazil

Ludovic Gueth ludovicgueth
Software Engineer

Figue Strasbourg - France

HM Helal imhelal
JavaScript (node + client side) developer with over 3 years of experience. Contact me for any work or questions about JS I might be able to help you with.

ShopNix Dhaka, Bangladesh

Igor Leszczyński igorleszczynski
Since 02.2020 programmer of EasyRipok with technologies used: PHP + MySQL, Java, JavaScript (with jQuery), C#, WebSocket, Symfony, Laravel, React

@Buwea Poland

FONSEKA S.A shenal-anthony
Undergraduate in the University of Kelaniya.
Ervalsa Dwi Nanda yuisa-scarlet
2 years experience in ui/ux - development using Laravel, React, and Kotlin

Institut Teknologi Kalimantan Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia

Alper Aktaş yethranayeh
usually doing front-end development with ⚛ React

Etstur İstanbul, Turkey

Qisthi Ramadhani ramaID
Dependable Full Stack Developer with a Passion for Crafting Seamless Web Experiences.

@laravolt Magetan, East Java, Indonesia

Tony Sanjaya sanjayatony
Web Engineer


Jorge Costa jorgercosta

wedo.web Braga, Portugal

Timi-Artturi Mäkelä Liblastic
Software developer at @Vincit, musician and synthesizer enthusiastic. Most of my codes are here so I added my music link.

Vincit Finland

Nick Warwick nwarwick

@NodalNetworks Montreal, QC

Melih Berat ŞANLI mberatsanli
Sr. Software Developer

@revpanda-devs Warsaw/Poland

Roman RomanFalzon
Just a web dev.