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durandal gitdurandal
Hi I'm durandal. I make things that break things.

Hephaestus Security Consulting Group, Inc. Durandalingrad

`Mr-IoT` V33RU
Founder of @iotsrg , Project owner @IoT-PTv , Keynote Speaker

A SImple IoT Guy.. nowhere

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


jlreartes cua4atro
Escribo codigo Flutter, like a Senior. Hago videogames en Rust 'cuz se aprende jugando. Implementado a blockchain de juguete para el Estanciero. True story.

@DartAndFlutter-ar Córdoba, Argentina.

Arduino Aficionado ArduinoAficionado
Tinkerer, Maker, Hacker, Optimist.

Arduino Aficionado Detroit

Theo Melo theomelo
Senior Full Stack Developer

Foodee Vancouver, BC

Tony Gu QilinGu

Portland, Oregon

Tom fullstcat

cyb3rkittyy cyberkittyofficial
not a cat | check my stars


Mathias Gatti mathigatti
ML Engineer and Creative Coder. I like to make computers talk and sing.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dan dbogda
Consultant for Disruption Consulting

Disruption Consulting United States


VERMEG Tunisia

Ritesh Mandaviya Ritesh0604
👋 Hi, I’m Ritesh Mandaviya 👀 I’m Interested In Development And Security 🌱 I’m currently learning Web Development and Security Stuff 🐞
Mathieu AtMath

Renault Group Paris, France

Federico Kirschbaum fedek

Buenos Aires, Argentina

tariku tarikus77

Istanbul, Turkey

cybrdude cybrdude
- DDoS Research - Pentester with Training Wheels
NvisionTechs noods78

Nvisiontechs Boston, Ma

Cynthia Vico Vacca cynthiamv

Mar del Plata - Argentina

Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium

K3rn3l Panic AnkurYogi
Security Engineer & a novice researcher :) Focused on Advanced DNS evasion, malware reversing, and detection techniques.

isecurenet Mumbai

Ihebski ihebski
Security Engineer
<script>alert('BETWEEN BLACK AND WHITE FOR EVER')</script>
Lisa Hendriks hendriksl030
Healing paws and saving lives
Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Flareonz44 Flareonz44
I'm an indie game developer, but sometimes I make little programs. Follow me to know more about me :) Twitter: @Flareonz44 IG: @flareonz_44
Zay.Dev rhozario50
Day by day, Brick by brick