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Prithvi prithvirajkshatriya
A temporary manifestation of energy! ⚡

Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

Diogo Vieira Kazadhum
Researcher at UAveiro | Robotics and Calibration
Manuel Gomes manuelgitgomes
Research Fellow and PhD Student in Robotics and AI at University of Aveiro

@lardemua Aveiro, Portugal

Gonzalo Racero Galán JonsaL3
Desarrollador de aplicaciones nativas para Android en kotlin (móviles y terminales de pago)... Actualmente me estoy preparando para estudiar IA.


Maciej M maciejmrowiec
Product Manager | DevOps | DataOps | IoT

Oslo, Norway

Raul Arroyo RArroyo00
Experienced mobile app developer with a proven track record of working in the information technology and services industry.


Wyatt Walsh wyattowalsh
cookin' up some code 👨‍🍳 :octocat: :bowtie: :shipit: 📈

@jpmorganchase New York City, New York, United States of America

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Artur Shirokov AhegaoBurger
Hi, I'm Artur, a Full-stack Developer based in Lisbon, Portugal. I have a keen interest in Web development, front-end technologies, AI and blockchain.

Lisbon, Portugal

larra larralapid
she/her | ServiceNow | somastack

Cincinnati, OH

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Dimitrios Panagkasidis dimidev

OlympusOne Thessaloniki, GR

Shekhar Chaurasiya shekhar84ya
I am a computer science student.
Julian Montagna julpod
Senior Drupal, PHP & React Developer Argentina

Ssempijja Charles sempijja
Human Interface designer

Shopy Kampala

Yurkov Sergey sergeyyurkov1
PhD student in Media and Culture Industry at Soochow University, China
Bob Eckert bobeckert
Please learn the 7 layer OSI model. I promise it will help you with troubleshooting.

@bobeckert New York, NY

JCH jshdev
Full Stack Developer.
Linux Enthusiast

Homagama Sri Lanka

Caio cbdm
CSC Assistant Teaching Prof

NC State Raleigh, NC, USA

Anton Karpenko karpolan
Better known as KARPOLAN. RAV™ (React, Angular, Vue) developer, Engineer, Inventor, Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur and so on.

KARPOLAN Bratislava, Slovakia

Ted Zhao tade0726
ML / Data Science / Quant

Adelaide, SA, Australia

LudoO ludoo0d0a
Fullstack software engineer, Java/Spring, Node, Android, Flutter and more... Creator of Scora, tennis scorebaord app for watch

Sfeir[Ξ] Metz, France

Sarah E. E. Burt seeb
There are years that ask questions and years that answer.

Silver Spring, Maryland

Huey hoangnguyen92dn Danang, Vietnam

dkp-consult dkp-consult
Développeur & Conseiller Financier Allier compétences techniques et vision financière pour des projets complets et optimisés.

Freelance belgium

Alexis Desani-Gono TheLexinator
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. Front-end Developer. Pursuing AWS Solutions Architect Associate cert in Q!-2025

Cape Town, South Africa

Fritz ‘Fido’ The CAT Fritz8887


Dmitrii Bykov sukazavr
Internet Product Maker


Thiago Braz thaibbraz Barcelona

Jordan Navarrete jordansebastian23
Estudiante UTFSM | Ing. Informatica

Viña del Mar

Jason Tran jasont2022
Passionate full-stack developer with hands-on experience across tech stacks including MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, FastAPI, and Ruby on Rails
