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Pisey Sen piseysen
Freelancer Mobile Development. | Android App Developer | Game Developer | Software Developer | Web Developer | Angular Developer | Open Source lover

Freelancer Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Jothimani_N njmani007
Web Developer


Bishawjit Mondol Bishawjit-Mondol

@adovasoft-rnd Dhaka, Bangladesh

EagleKing DevHawkNov
Full Stack Developer | AI Engineer
Gabriel de Souza Valenço gabrielvalenco
Full-Stack Developer I specialize in Back-end development. Principal coding languages: Laravel Python JavaScript

Grupo Prodemi

Shohanur Rahman Shohan shohancs
Software Engineer | Full Stack Web Developer | PHP | LARAVEL | SQL | React JS | Node JS
Nicolas Giraud ngiraud
Freelance Web-developer

Limoges (France, 87)

Izack Kimario cyber4life2
Cybersecurity beginner exploring ethical hacking, network security, and Linux. Learning, and building skills

Arusha Tanzania

Laurence Rawlings LaurenceRawlings
Consultant software engineer in London, UK. BSc Computer Science and MSc Cyber Security.

@Solirius United Kingdom

Abubaker Elsayed Abuelhassan bokarios
You can think of me as, a man who found his passion in coding and problem-solving, with a ridiculous love of challenges.


John Patrick S. Bendaña JPeeSbee
Junior Laravel Developer

Makati City

Renis DengnisR

Interconexa Network C.A Venezuela

Phoenix Dev🐦 phoenixdev0117
Sr. Full stack - Ecommerce developer
Matthew Hadden flanzipit
Just Browsing learning loving

Self Antarctica

Oscar Arzola arzola
Eclectic Developer

code at @pressbooks Montréal, Québec

Amelia KittenzExe
I make software

Kitsune Labs Australia / Metaverse

Mohamed Idris Hnooz
Full Stack Web Developer write clean, maintainable, readable code. Using laravel , inertia, vue js, tailwind css. part of @merakiui team

Elmam Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

Ahmed Akta ahmedakta
Full-Stack Web Developer | Computer Engineer

Istanbul, Turkey

Ahwet Şen ahwet-sen
I am Ahwet Şen, a software developer living in Çanakkale / Turkey.

Çanakkale / Türkiye

Khan Academy innocentmisheck

eNOtech Lilongwe,Malawi

Adam Rahmat Ilahi adamjatim
I hate Linux but also love it ❤️

Home Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Paulo Laxamana paulolaxamana England

Neil Buckley NeilPlatform
Lead Developer

@builtbyplatform United Kingdom

Bio beginner | Linux lab | RESTful API player | 'To Be Educated Is To Be Changed -'—focusing on every project. I push through challenges. Reflect my light!

kmjBuCa Cambodia

Robin Dirksen robindirksen1

@bluey-development The Netherlands

Backend-developer | PHP | LARAVEL

DigitalWand Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Logain LogainHamdan
Flutter Developer📱|| Computer Engineering Student
Rodolfo Guerrero scar813710

Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia

Allan Justine Mascariñas allanjustine
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature.
Amirreza Jafari AmirBizy
Web Application Developer | Software Solution Focused

Tehran, Iran