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Reverse18 maohy915
Not so bad

BNU Univ. Beijing

Hunter Coles HunterColes
Software Engineering student at the University of Calgary
Ano Rebel AnoRebel

@HackEAC KnowHere

Victor zomvie-break
Django Developer. Data science enthusiast. Full-stack Pythonista. OSSU CS student.

Bangkok, Thailand

Burak Ince burakince
Software Developer

@Thoughtworks Germany

Đỗ Thành Long soiqualang
GIS (WebGIS, Web Map), Remote Sensing, Map, Web Dev, DBMS, Systems manager,.. @GIRS-VN @vinagit @OpenGIS-VN Internet

Junlong Zhang junlongzzz
What Makes You Beautiful

Earth, Universe

@dennyhalim dennyhalim

Frankie frankievalentine

V3 Digital Studio USA

Simon L. szaimen

Nextcloud GmbH Berlin

GameDirection Gamedirection
A Games Journey to Success! Finding Solutions for Games by Creating Memorable Experiences through Accessible Design!

GameDirection LLC Cleveland Oh

Yes me too


Tanyo Ivanov Takerman

@TakermanLTD Remote

ZombieofCrypto rdavidson1911
I love to atomize code and put it all back together in a different, more meaningful way. I love writing code and developing automation

@ZOMBIEOFCRYPTO Land of The Living Dead

Vinnie vinodsmenon

Battleship Island

Mike DuPont jmikedupont2
Senior Full stack developer focused on p2p ml ai devops

@meta-introspector New Jersey

扛枪的书生 kqdssheng
Emil Gydesen Thalley
CEO and IoT specialist at Antero. Software Developer at Nordic Semiconductor.

Antero Denmark

Amir Hossein Kaveh amirk1998
DevOps Engineer | Kubernetes Mastery | IaC Automation | Cloud Native | Containers Orchestration | CI/CD Pipelines | Observability Expert
Moncef dhkouri moncefdhk999
Administrative Conference

all organisation United states

Philip Merritt crackerjk
I'm Philip, though you can call me Phil. At 47, I am married to April, with two sons, Cole and Hunter. Our lively home is shared with three dogs—Mac, Megs, Yogi

new brunswick