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Cristopher Esquivel CristopherAE
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.

Guanajuato, México

Saeed Dehghan Niri user87907
Hello, my name is Saeed Dehghan Neiri. I started coding when I was 14 years old. I love coding and learning new languages. I like Python, JavaScript, and PHP,
Jorge A. Zampieri Zampieri-JA
Ingeniero Ambiental / Técnico de datos Geoespaciales

Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno La Paz - Bolivia

Edmarcio Brito edmarciosbrito

Geneses IT Jundiai - SP Brazil

吴强 foryoufeng
Stay hangury,stay foolish


whoami ExploitEngineer
"Hi 👋, I am Abdul Rafay Passionate Ethical Hacker & Software Engineer | Passionate about Cybersecurity 🔐 & Front-End Development .

Devsinc Islamabad, Pakistan

Onuralp onuralphho
Software Engineer

@Microsoft Istanbul

Tejaswini Todkar NextGenGirl
Roaming the digital cosmos, building, breaking, and creating magic with every line of code! 🚀✨

Mumbai University Mumbai, India

ur local script kiddie, coding projects o' plenty.
Akhil surapuramakhil

FL , United States

Danyelle Henriquez DanyelleH
A Problem-Solver with a Background in Aircraft Maintenance and Medicine, Transitioning into Software Development.
Hawkar Mohammad HawkarMohammad
Web Developer

FastTeam Iraq

Tecky Arham teckyarham
Tecky Arham delivers innovative coding and development solutions, creating custom software, apps, and websites to bring your ideas to life.

Tecky Arham Dhamrai, Dhaka,1350 Bangladesh

Abrar Al Rashid mazecat2k
Software Engineering Fresher at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Bikram Karmakar Bikramkarmakar
Whatsapp: 8670860718

Student Kolkata

Solf SolfE

Catholic University of Korea Incheon, Korea

Santhosh Santhosh200429
Sorry for being alive
Rurouni DevanshuNagpal
I am technology enthusiast , with keen inetrest in Cloud technologies and cybersecurity. I am new to open source.
Bruno Almeida Bruno-dotcom
Interested in learning more and more about Computer Sciences and Technology
Francesco Zitelli francescozitelli
Working as Program Manager within UniCredit Services in the area of Software Development. I am part of the Impact Graduate Program. Passionate about technol


Patrick Doyle pcdoyle
Sr. Systems Engineer, Infrastructure and Security.

Madison Group Vancouver, BC