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    • C#
      MIT License
      5000Updated May 20, 2019May 20, 2019
    • Bindings for Bridge.NET for React - write React applications in C#!
      MIT License
      14000Updated May 16, 2019May 16, 2019
    • Common functionality that builds on Bridge.Immutable and Bridge.React
      MIT License
      5000Updated May 14, 2019May 14, 2019
    • Immutable collections intended to work with Productive.Immutable that back onto the ImmutableJs library
      3000Updated May 14, 2019May 14, 2019
    • A way to make it easier to create and work with immutable classes in Bridge.NET
      MIT License
      3000Updated May 14, 2019May 14, 2019
    • 🚀 A Bridge.NET implementation of the Newtonsoft.Json API
      Apache License 2.0
      20000Updated May 8, 2019May 8, 2019
    • A NuGet package to load the React library into a Bridge application (Dev/Production library version depending upon Debug/Release project configuration)
      MIT License
      3000Updated May 8, 2019May 8, 2019
    • An analyser that ensures that no classes are not marked as one of abstract, sealed or static by accident (a new [DesignedForInheritance] must be added to each such class)
      MIT License
      2000Updated Nov 13, 2016Nov 13, 2016
    8 repositories found. List is sorted by Last pushed in descending order.