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Simão Gomes Viana simaotwx
Contributing to FOSS at Toowoxx. Contributions of this account are sponsored by @toowoxx

@toowoxx Deisenhausen

Kamela tanchevk

Sofia, Bulgaria

Devon Sawatsky novedevo
Software developer

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Otávio Luque oLuqueJs
Backend Dev - Software Engineering Student

Viseu Editora Maringá - Brazil

Andrew Lange ablange
Data Engineer

New York, New York

lucas lucena lucas-lucena
Computer Science student.

João Pessoa - PB

Jetty jaehong21

@channel-io Seoul, Republic of Korea

Espen Ødegaard esodesod
Usually found in vmkernel.log, esxtop, sexigraf or vSAN Observer. Or eating, I eat a lot.

Proact IT Norge AS Norway

erik fueguchi
Karol Skoczyk qrxnz
haters > /dev/null


Al Duncanson alDuncanson

@mhs Grand Rapids, Michigan

T4D4 T4D4-IU
Students in Japan


Ervin Erviansyah ervinerviansyah

Freelancer Graphic Designer, Writer, and Actor Bandung

JustEvil EvilG-MC
Mediocre programmer in spare time, and engineering student.

@Ganyu-Studios The Earth


@ausecitnetworks Ausec IT Services Perth

Tomasz Bieliński tombieli

Gdańsk University of Technology Gdańsk, Poland

Calıḋa Myriad Kalinda-Myriad
Avid fan of Rust, Zig, and NixOS, might consider game development. Probably has had too much coffee.
Andrei Jiroh Halili ajhalili2006
Building OSS at @recaptime-dev and @lorebooks-wiki (mostly backend dev in Deno and Node.js and BDFL), Autistic Filipino, @hackclub community member

@recaptime-dev (fiscally sponsored by @hackclub) The Philippines

shelter2759 shelter2759
Professional timewaster since 2018.
成成0v0 ChengCheng0v0
Hello World!

Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Mohamad Fikri fmway
It's bio, but i havn't bio 🙂

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Purwakarta Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Hadrian Lau udontur
🐢 I love writing code Hong Kong

Ivy Fan-Chiang hexadecimalDinosaur
Student, security researcher, developer; CS/SYDE @uWaterloo '27; rev/forensics @idekctf / @ctf-mt / sillysec; 🏳️‍⚧️

Toronto, Canada

Rambeau ElmehdiBennix

1337 (42 network)

ZeStig zstg
I use Arch BTW. Free software aficionado

@lugvitc @stratos-linux @The-CCC /home/stig