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Esa Fazal efazal

Red Hat Ireland

Gowtham Rajeshshekaran gowthamrajeshshekaran
On an expedition to create the next edge computing paradigm

@armadasystems Bellevue, Washington

Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


ssoonan ssoonan
의미있는 개발자를 목표
Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Alessandro Rossi kubealex
☕ Associate Principal Specialist Solution Architect at @RedHatOfficial.                    ☸️ Kubernetes and Cloud Native advocate for passion.

Red Hat Rome - Italy

Chris "Not So" Short chris-short
Open Source | DevOps | Kubernetes Contributor | r/devopsish | Disabled Veteran | LEGO | Corgis | Detroit | He/Him | Views solely mine

@ctrliq Detroit, MI

Salah hazaa salahhazaea
I am dev salahhazaa

Globlost 60 st, Sanaa, 1022, YE

João Ricardo Rodrigues De La Cruz Baptista Johnnie88
• Experience using Azure and AWS Cloud as Software Engineer • Experience Development in Azure Cloud using many resources (AKS, ACI, Azure Functions, Logic Apps

Alien Build Tech

Maluki Muthusi MalukiMuthusi
Software Engineer


Jamie Bilinski jbilinski

Seattle, WA, United States

Ahmet Kaan Yumuşakdiken Kaano1
Faith is seeing the invisible 🪐

42İstanbul İstanbul

Aykut M. Bulgu mabulgu
#RedHatter, System Craftsman, #CNCF Ambassador, Confluent #Kafka Community Catalyst, Principal Software Engineer, Tech Writer & Trainer

Red Hat, @Ansible, @SystemCraftsman

Yassine EL FILALI yelfilal
Full Stack Developer

SMALS Belgique

Dylan d-bryan
Full Stack Engineer || Systems Engineer || Homelab Enthusiast

West Virginia

Fiore Mario Vitale mfvitale
Senior software engineer

@RedHatOfficial @debezium Born in Naples, living in Milan

青白 lijinfengnuc

JD 北京

Pouria Jalilian pouriajalilian
DevOps Engineer
