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Nicoli Basilio nicolibasilio
I'm a CRM analyst who dreams about data and all in between. Self-taught and now diving into data science—hoping to become the specialist I know I can be

Biogen São Paulo

Md Tasbi Hassan Tasbi2116
Undergraduate Computer Science & Engineering student at Khulna University, Khulna | JAVA | C++ | Web Development | Tech & Machine Learning Enthusiast

Khulna, Bangladesh

Ed Husten skyecase
Math nerd . Studying Astrophysics 🚀 . Most of my projects are based on them
BL06-404 BrunoLlanes
💻 Student in programming.


Hendrik Eichhorn hendrikE
Robotics PhD Researcher at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory and the University of Bristol | Head of Data Science at 180DC Bristol
VynuiX VynuiX
a newbie (maybe?), script kiddie.
Joe Hoye Dow MaybeBio
Shanghai Jiao Tong University/major in bioinformatics. A beginner FOR everything

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Morez Morez-Momeni
Make yourself a legend‌‌


Developer |Programmer | Game Developer | Game Designer | Hi all!
kirill denisov kirilledition
wild west of drug discovery data science Singapore

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani

Accurate Cyber Defense Mzimba

The Seeker theseeker99
Hi, My name is The Seeker. Reside in Sri Lanka , is still in school, and is passionate about programming and computer languages.

The Seeker Apps Sri Lanka

Justin Johnson authalic
Past and Present Projects Primarily Produced in Python.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Frank Yesid Zapata C FrankYesid
Electronic Engineer, Master in Industrial Automation Engineering, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) researcher, Pattern Recognition, and DataScience process.


Aakash Ram aakashprithiveeram

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

John Orengo johnkennedy-star
I am passionate about cybersecurity, software development, and currently exploring cloud computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Nairobi, Kenya

👾 Gamer / 💠 Cube / 🎶 Popping

Taiwan, Taipei

Umman Mammadov UMMAN2005
CNCF Kubestronaut ⎈ | Software & DevOps Engineer

Baku, Nizami, Azer Manafav 1