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Abdullah almousa Abdullah-Hamad-Almousa
Guy interest in developing AI


Alanna Burke AlannaBurke
Writing open source documentation at Meta. Saving small animals with Helping All Little Things. Passionate about a11y, DEI.

Meta Harveys Lake, PA

Yusufhan Kırçova kircova

San Francisco

Soc Basillote socbasillote
I am Soc, just here to record my inputs and outputs on the programming side of me.
Miguel Briceño Brick-Briceno
We live in an era where technology is indistinguishable from magic If someone can do it, I can do it too, if no one has done it, I will be the first to do it
Franco Javier López Gramajo FrancoJavierLopezGramajo
Going through this coding journey via Learning Computer Vision


Shreyash Gupta shreyashguptas

University of Arkansas Arkansas, USA

Jilin Yu 576469377

Tsinghua University

Benjamin-sat Benjamin2099
👋 Hallo, ich bin Benjamin! 🚀 Lets Develop Brain | 💻 Open-Source-Enthusiast 🛠️ Tech: Blockchain, ML, DL, Java, Python, RUST, C++ , SQL ,Docker


MorrisNexGenAI MorrisNexGenAI
AI Enthusiast| Building the Future | Learning in Public


JustHuman228 JustHm228
Don't bother me, I'm drinking tea! ☕

Moscow, Russia

Prabhakaran Sampath prabha6kar
a techno freak of Industry 4.0

Chennai Tamil nadu India

Jiaxuan Luo luojiaxuan
Don't let time slip away.
Mohamed Hasan mustachemo
Machine Learning Engineer @ TurionSpace
Łikhon Sheikh sheikh-developer
Hi, I'm Likhon Sheikh | Developer & Author | @likhonsheikhcodes & @likhonsheikh54 | Part of @likhon-dev | Contributing @RektDevelopers ‼️

Khulna, Bangladesh

Shivansh Fulper Pin4sf
Always Learn & develop for fun. AI Engineer @Ionio-io | AI/ML @BitByte-TPC | C4GT DMP'24 @OpenFn | SoM @bsoc-bitbyte


Rizwan Sheikh Rizwan-aalii
Coder and Programer

Jodhpur Rajsthan, India

Wishnuputra Dhanu wishnuputra
Software Engineer


plote neptune-T
Swimming out till the Sea Turns Blue

Beijing, China

Aryan Bhardwaj aaryanbh96
A data scientist and MBA graduate with a passion for solving complex problems through data-driven strategies, systems thinking, and first principles thinking.

Oregon, United States

Giovanni Genna giogenna16
Computer Engineering - Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (LM-32) Graduate at Politecnico di Torino.