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Oleksii Velychko oleksiivelychko
Software Engineer


Andrew Menino-Barlow schodemeiss
Dabbler in open source projects from time to time. I also write music!

Alkimee Cambridge, UK

Sylvio Jollenbeck sjollenbeck

Hosanna Tecnologia Ltda Brasil

amirreza moghaddampoor amrmrp
Software engineer | 🤠🍖

greenweb Iran

Jarkko Saltiola jasalt
Bookmarking, testing and improving tools and services, mostly around web and databases and sometimes music and video production.

Freelancer Finland, Helsinki

I am Programmer iamprogrammerlk
Programming is like sex, I can't make a mistake.
Matija matijabelec
Web developer with passion for fun, simple and innovative solutions.

Founder of @kiwee-tech Croatia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Emon Ahmed mdemonahmed
I always learn from mistakes. I am indeed a king because I know how to rule myself.

OLT Digital Agency Sylhet,Bangladesh.

Team Lead Manager at BOTI SCHOOL | Web & mobile Developer PHP/Laravel Nest.js/Reactjs/Vuejs Ionic/Capacitor.js MAROC

Eng Ducaale Adam ducaaleyare
Hakuffin, Xogtaada nacan hatusin Habadsan, Bad aadan laheen haquusin Haquusan, Wax aadan laheen hamiisin Hafariisan, Kan xumeesan yunan kusixrin

Golis Bosaso

Berkay Günaydın v0id00
Computer Engineer at Webticari

Webticari Yazılım Turkey

PixoVoid PixoVoid
Hobby Developer 👨‍💻


Praveen Kumar praveenkumarv
passionate software engineer

Freelancer Hyderabad, India

Walisson Aguirra walissonaguirra
Programador Backend @php

@ege-solucoes Brasil, São Paulo

Markus Zeller markuszeller

ForcedWeb Dortmund, Germany

Rahul Alam rahulalam31
Debugging @ & dorking google, Since 2018 ☠️☠️☠️

Jaigaon West Bengal India

Rodinei Costa rodineicosta
Full-stack developer at @physistec

PhysisTec Ananindeua, PA, Brasil

CodingwithRK codingwithrk
Tall Stack developer || Working as Sr. Laravel Developer @colourmoon || Open Source Contributor || Created @Telugu-Bible

@colourmoon India

Marius Glais snowwtarie
I build things. Most of the time for fun. Most of the time it's useless, but I have fun building those useless things 😁

Scalian Rennes, France

Deepen Dhulla deependhulla
Innovative Thinking, Practical Solutions Mumbai,India

Stéphane P n3wborn
Currently web developper, mainly playing with @symfony. Love linux/OSS philosophy. Always eager to improve my skills and learn new ones.


Théophile BERNARD theophile-bernard
O'clock Student

Paris, France

Fabrício Freitas Lima FabricioFL

The Geek Army Balsas, MA - Brazil

Qudrat Ullah MrQudratUllah
Software Engineer & Tech Lead with a track record of high-impact, successful projects. Passionate about innovation and scalable solutions.

London, United Kingdom

Fery Wardiyanto feryardiant
Doing my best at @creasico

@creasico Batang, Indonesia

Marc Laporte marclaporte
WikiSuite founder: While Wikipedia is the broadest unified body of knowledge, WikiSuite is the most comprehensive and integrated Open Source enterprise solution

WikiSuite Montréal, Québec, Canada

Till is Bene TilisBene
follow your passions.