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Meng Lin MengLinMaker
A lover of all things engineering and design

Worked @CSIRO Data61, building @musidi-org Victoria, Australia

Benny Tordrup bstordrup
Working as Software Architect at Visma Software A/S In my free time, I'm volunteer in Coding Pirates (@CodingPiratesHedehusene)

Visma Software AS (@Visma-Business, @vismagroup) Copenhagen

Abdulla Abdullayev 4bdulla

@Miloy-Ltd Baku, Azerbaijan

Adam Walkowski AdamWalkowski
Web systems architect, software developer, video solutions designer

InPerceptic Gdańsk, Poland

Steven Robertson stever
Software Developer. 25 years+ industry experience. Collaborative inventor. JavaScript, Python, C#, C, Java & more.

Wolf Logic Ltd. (@wolf-logic) The Mearns, Scotland, GB

mandolin mandolin
thinking, coding, from sand to universe. 邋叔阿米,江湖散人。
Emrullah IŞIK kodpencerem

Vangölü Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş Van

Pedro Henrique Alves phalvesr
Control and Automation Engineering Student. Always learning something new. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming 🐟🐟

Brazil, São Paulo

Luka Mamukashvili USLTD
Hardcore fan of milsim and realistic games, terminal wonders and SCP. Computer Science (English sector) Freshman at International Black Sea University LLC

Tbilisi, GE

Elias Bundala ebundala

@mechsoft-limited Tanzania

Vladislav Mansurov Mansurow
Young developer and designer | BMSTU Software Engineering Student

@Qoollo Moscow

Victorio Berra VictorioBerra
I write code for Washington University Saint Louis.

@wustl Saint Louis, MO

Ilya Erykalin Erykalin1986
Меня зовут Илья Ерыкалин, я разработчик полного цикла из России.

AtriumNN Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Andrei Lazarescu AndreiLazarescu
Founder of BeeByte Software Solutions, I am a software developer by profession with 12 years of commercial Object Oriented Programming.

BeeByte Software Solutions Bucharest

Frédéric Cantenot fcantenot
.NET Developer / Certified Azure 900


Tan Nguyen TanNguyenNet

GoJapan Ho Chi Minh City

Antoine Boucher antoinebou12
ETS Computer Simulation and DevOps Montréal

Ramazan KÜÇÜKKOÇ ramazankucukkoc
Junior Software Developer | OOP | SOLID Principles


Felipe Ferreira fnipo

Microsoft Dublin, Ireland

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Luiz Carlos Faria luizcarlosfaria
💼 Cloud Native Solution Architect 💼 .NET Software Architect | 🎯 | 5x🏆 Microsoft MVP | 🐳 Docker Captain

@academia-dev @cloudnative-net-br @luizcarlosfaria-rabbitmq @Oragon Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Ali Zaferany Azaferany
Web Developer

@PayPing Iran, Mashhad

Sean Rand seanrand57

Nashville, Tennessee

Thomas Pentenrieder ThomasPe
Developer @, Microsoft Azure MVP

medialesson GmbH Munich

hz hedzr

Chongqing, China

SeppPenner SeppPenner
I like cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪. All repos now on, too. Repositories are synced. Stay with Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Israel 🇮🇱.

Hämmer Electronics Germany