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Tuan Hoang hoangatuan
a man who is trying to find the best version of himself

OKX Singapore Singapore

Alessio Garzia Marotta Brusco alessiobrusco13
2x Swift Student Challenge Winner. Learner at Apple Developer Academy @Unina Federico II. Physicist in the making.


Eden LZhenHong
Star 从未停止,学习从未开始!
baegteun baekteun
으악 ;ㅁ;

@pixohq @GSM-MSG @wakmusic

Cristian Gutu cristiangu
iOS/Android technical lead specialized in React Native

Contract-based work Europe

Sk Niyaj Ali niyajali
A Passionate Android Developer.

@skniyajali Kolkata,West Bengal,India

Lukas Soukup lukylab
I love creating new products and I am passionate about design and new technologies.

LukyLab Prague

Aytaç ÇEŞMEBAŞI aytacesmebasi
Think like Batman, play like Mario.


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Ares Lianos AresL

@shapehq Copenhagen, Denmark

Andreas Ganske ChaosCoder
Mobile app & game developer from Berlin. Building user centric, pure and powerful software.

@TICESoftware @wooga Berlin, Germany

Amber Lewis Ambi93

Port Macquarie, NSW Australia

Deniz Galeli itslazyvar
Indie iOS dev with a soft spot for SwiftUI

North Carolina

Nícolas Brandão nboliv
💼 Software Engineer, 🎓 Electrical Engineer

XP Inc São Paulo

Aleksandar Milidrag onflyer
Aspiring iOS developer
Hector De Diego hectorddmx
iOS developer. Also @Lecksfrawen Flutter, Elixir and Python enthusiast.

Distillery Mexico City

Thomas Flad thomasflad

Bosch RefinemySite Germany

Adrian Blanco adrian-shape
Android Developer

Shape Copenhagen

Martin MartinWagner-Shape
Android developer


Oliver Ross TheShokunin
From HR to Software Engineering - At the start of a career changing journey and pursuit for fulfilment. iOS Developer in training. Fantasy/Sci-Fi geek 🤓


Anton Nyman antonnyman
App Lead at YouCruit/Lanefinder

YouCruit Malmö

Esteban Marin esteban0721
Android Developer

Shape Copenhagen

Matheus Faleiro shape-matheusfaleiro
Android Developer

Shape Copenhagen