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Eze Ernest Ernestoo2
I'm an upcoming full stack software developer
Łikhon Sheikh sheikh-developer
Hi, I'm Likhon Sheikh | Developer & Author | @likhonsheikhcodes & @likhonsheikh54 | Part of @likhon-dev | Contributing @RektDevelopers ‼️

Khulna, Bangladesh

Pavel Ketov sovetit
Full Stack developer: PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS && Laravel, Docker.

SoveTit RU Комсомольск-на-Амуре

Giulia Leoni GiuliaLeoni
Full-stack developer, former designer, that loves to engage with tech and explore meaningful solutions through programming and outstanding user experiences


Junior Backend Developer | Go
Edwin Ruiz Mendez edruizmendez
A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

Buenos Aires

SHAIK DAVUDH Shaikdavudh11
🚀 Full Stack Developer & Digital Marketing Associate with expertise in React 🏢 Currently working at Gamutgurus Private Limited, Bengaluru 🌐 Open for collab

Gamut Gurus Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore

magazinkrisso 13inccc
➕🔒🔞📂▫️\\ sofia

A. Garcia agarciaBCN
I'm Antonio Garcia (1969), a UI/UX Designer & FrontEnd Engineer from Barcelona.

OneManArmy Barcelona

Ambika Yadav akibmayadav
Data Visualization Engineer

Allen Institute of Brain Sciences Seattle

Federico Del Gaudio delaudio
Software Engineer & Creative Coder

@t60digital Turin, Italy

Terrance E. Brunner CSPerse
◉ Design ◉ Integration ◉ Publishing

Washington, DC

Devin Godage devinkg
Software Engineer | React Native Developer

Intervest Software Technologies Sri Lanka

Dr. Nomader drnomader
Java developer | No question is a dumb question.

Seoul, South Korea

Leon czfadmin

Hangzhou, China

yoichi-ikegawa tanakaryo
IT Specialist in Deloitte.
Finnigan Johnson finnj00
CS Alumni University of Washington

Seattle, WA

Dicky Ardiar Dickyrdiar
technology enthusiast specialist Frontend

surakarta, Indonesia

Ryosuke Ogitani gtn-74
Everyone calls me 'Gitani'.

Japan Fukuoka

sb Sbtech24
Trying to become cracked
Super super9157
I value communication and teamwork, constantly upgrade my skills with the latest tech, focus on high-quality code and meeting deadline. Interesting? Email me!!!

Software Industry Work from Home

Khauta Maliehe khauta
Normal Software Engineer, Cyber Security Enthusiast

Maseru, Lesotho

ReLU relu-xz
Soli Deo Gloria

Chiptune Inc. Chipton

MohaNed Ghawar MohanedGhawar2019
Front-end / Back-end Web Developer

مركز المعلومات والتوثيق - وزارة الداخلية ليبيا Tripoli, Libya

Sandra XandraV
Frontend Engineer at @jpmorganchase

London, United Kingdom

Melvin C Jr d3x41
Crackin codes and breakin hearts..

Colorado Springs

Abdul Wahid Mughal abdulwahid143official
I'm Full Stack Developer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, SQL, Python, Next.js

@Harvard karachi, Pakistan