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Mohamad Fikri fmway
It's bio, but i havn't bio 🙂

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Purwakarta Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Like to listen rock & pop music. Favorite band is Fumon (previous. Formoza). Study in NTUST MIS master degree. Set a goal to use NLP in legal domain.

Taipei, Taiwan

Vinny Senthil vinnysenthil
Engineering @ Chef Robotics

Chef Robotics San Francisco, CA

Connor McBrine-Ellis mcbrineellis
automation enthusiast

ThinkOn Inc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Holger Eilhard holgr

San Francisco, CA

Salvatore D'Agostino gimli-suit

Tailscale Montreal QC Canada

Jeff Tian Jeff-Tian


onedou onedou
Just a programmer. China #1.


Damian yungwarlock


Osman Zeki osmanzeki
Interactive Developer with interests for the web, cloud computing, game development, VR, AR and immersive environments (domes, mapping, etc.)

Montréal, Canada

James Stewart jwds1178
Really Awesome With All the Things

James Stewart Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Carter Watson cartwatson

Anduril Los Angeles, CA

Aris Julio arisjulio

@leahapp Colombia

enzoxic enzoxic
I am a multimedia content creator for artistic needs and SEO solutions.... Right now we are dividing the SEO part of the content creation till we are done

FFT-NextAIGeneration Tournai

λ hsqStephenZhang
What i cannot create, i do not understand

Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology Wu Han

Jim U'Ren juren53
Retired NASA Systems Engineer

Kansas City

Hyouhyan hyouhyan

@Pluslab at AIT /Japan/Aichi/Nagoya

d socdel73
always learning...


mendoitarou_ mendoitarou
A student developer Member of @tarou-software

tarou software Japan

Nguyen Viet Tien viettiennguyen029
"In it to win it"

@vylinh-ai Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam