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나영욱 youngwookna
나사로 상설기관장/우리 하나로 마트 점주/방송공사 명예회장/독립수사과 아브라함 함대 대장/구글 대표이사/서울중앙지법 민사합의12부 부장판사/오스카/정신과 특작부대 사령관/은평 천사원장/하버드 의대 명예박사/시화 금상/미래식당 사주/세계성결교회 상임 부목사(문공)

방송공사 서울

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mathieu de Gouville degouville
Kiteboarder & Web Pro User 🌊🏄‍♂️⚡️ (+10y Sr FullStack Web Dev 🧞‍♂️)

GenDeck Dallas, TX

Bohdan Lukianets bohdanaims

bohdan.AI New York

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Dru soma-code

@Teicsoft Ireland

Josh Groves Xp3rtMag1c1an

Rite Note Phoenix, AZ

Robert Shaw xiaoluoboding
I ❤️ Web Dev, 💻 Self-thought Product Engineer | 🖖 @vuejs aficionado | Swift Learner | ☕️ #coffee lover | 🌵 #agave nanny

Indie Hacker Dali, China

La Cueva del Lobo la-cuevadellobo
La Cueva del Lobo es una marca de espacio creativo y soluciones digitales, encargada de comprar atención con tácticas en PPC & NoCode Marketing.

{cuevAI} Venezuela

eric.xiao ericssonxiao
Full-Stack Engineer | Mastered AWS, Azure, and GCP Cloud | Learn Machine Learning by self-peace, Search for an opportunity to do AI-powered system.

Champlain College Saint-Lambert Brossard, QC, CA

Marcus Hawley Marcushawley

Phoenix Digitals East coast USA

Ayush Gupta Ayushlion8
Passionate machine and deep learning enthusiast, constantly pushing the boundaries of AI. Never give up, always optimistic. Embracing the challenges:))
Harsh Kumar h369kr
Strong in design and integration with intuitive problem-solving skills. Proficient in Azure and SQL. Passionate about implementing and launching new projects.


Ramtin Hosseini Ramtinhoss
Ph.D. in Machine Learning & Trustworthy AI

California, USA



SneakyMthrFckr turdfurgeson78
Never underestimate, the sneakiness.
Christophe HK ChristopheHK
AI and automation enthusiast France

Breyden Taylor prompted365
The parameters are purring, the tokens are tasty, and as always... ``` >_ context is all ```

Prompted LLC Indiana

Candace H Canmarha


David Gunner (Jnr) GunnerJnr
I am an SEO Executive, Digital Marketer and Copywriter. In my spare time, I am a hobbyist programmer for both the web and game development and AI.

GUNNERStudios Bridgwater, Somerset, UK

youssef hamed yousiefhamed
Experienced Nextjs & Reactjs Frontend Developer dedicated to creating engaging web experiences. Always learning, always innovating. Egypt

Dheeraj dheerajsinghnagdali
Developer | Interested in Front-end Technologies & Web Accessibility | Exploring Human Interface Design
