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Roger Steve Ruiz rogeruiz
🎶 soy un in-ge-niero. I'm a computer, baby. so, why don't you 01100010 01110101 01101001 01101100 01100100 me 🎶 ~> sung by Beck or something

@Skylight-HQ Chicago

Mario Altagracia Jimenez tjdev7
Seasoned Full-Stack Developer Specializing in Building Robust React Applications, Scalable SaaS Platforms, and Cloud Computing Solutions on AWS

Socially Elite Pro Remote

Jesus Rodolfo Gil farias Jrgil20
Estudiante de Informática apasionado por lenguajes de programación versátiles y multifuncionales como C, Python, Go y NASM. Disfruto desafíos y competiciones.

Caracas Venezuela

Humble juanpablorojasleon
Im learning how to create projects on Cloud.
Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Xochitl xocaid
An inquisitive software engineer, who is learning every day and looking for new bike routes.
Nereida Rondon NereidaRondon
Instructional Designer and Front-end Developer💻

Florida SouthWestern State College Florida

Emmanuel Nuño emmanuelnunoe
I enjoy solving problems using software as much as finding waves to surf on the beach.
Prakhar Jain prakharjain3
I like Markdown files
Rashel Rojas rashelrr

Columbia University New York, NY

Carolina Zapata ChaChaCharo
Learning at a snail pace


Generalist: Software Engineer, System Administrator, Data Analyst, whatever is needed to get the job done.

Portland, Oregon

nicholas 🧙‍♂️ RiosNicholas
software engineer & design enthusiast | rutgers university '24

ColorStack Greater New York City Area

Mario Jorge-Mario-18
Eternally stuck in a loop chasing a ball. Focused on data analysis on the world's most popular game. Python and R

New York City

Eduardo Vazquez vazquezea96
Software Developer @ Destiny Technologies International. Software Developer @ Asian Connections Hub (nonprofit). Dad. Husband.

@sunnyside-org Greater Seattle Area

Beatriz Guerrero Beatriz-G
Hello! I'm currently learning about software engineering and all its amazing opportunities! Go ahead and follow me to join me on this new journey!

Intuit SF Bay Area

Jennifer Herrarte jennherrarte
Software Engineer

Los Angeles

Tanya Paterson Unicorntamer2021
Talent Acquisition Manager of Technology & Digital for Foot Locker Inc.

Foot Locker Inc. Tampa

Ruben Ocasio rubenocasio
Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer | IT Guru | Wine Connoisseur | Coffee Fanatic | Gamer

Virginia Beach

José Delpino jdelpino-dev
✿🧑🏻‍💻Software Engineer and Ed-Tech Architect ✿ 📚Writer & Phd in Lat Am Culture ✿ 🎸Self-Taught Bass Player

@Garrett-Evangelical Chicago, IL

Sarah sarahsotomayor
Unity Game Developer

Denver Metro Area

Joel Cantoral euphonie
/ˈjuːfəni/. Harmonie de sons agréablement combinés.
Eduer Pallares Jiménez EduerPJ
Backend Web Developer with more than 2 years of experience, using PHP, JavaScript Vanilla, CodeIgniter, SQL, MySQL, APIs, Jira and SCRUM.

Zalvadora Colombia

Jhon Paulo JP jhon-p16
>>> Better Call JP || Co-founder @FunPythonEC @Hacktoberfest-GYE || Hardware hacker 🤖🦾 || Software developer 💻 || Coffee lover ☕

FunPython Guayaquil, Ecuador

Ruben Ocasio rubendavid
Full Stack Development Instructor

Ruben Ocasio Virginia Beach

Jackie Ocaña jackattackks
Aspiring cybersecurity analyst. MS Business Analytics. BA Business Admin. BA Communications

San Francisco, CA

Inti Bryon inti-bryon
Determined, Passionate, Innovative, Performance Driven Information Technology Leader

Microsoft South Florida, USA

Eric M emalloy

sudoers Texas

Marc bellmarc
Cybersecurity Researcher & Engineer Python, Java, C++, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, SQL Server.
Quiana Berry berryq460
PM @ Red Hat passionate about human-centric, cultural, sustainable, ethical design, and product development. Let's collaborate!


William Strealy AWTom

San Francisco, California