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RechellaTek HalsekiRaika
A humble developer.


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jardel JardelCheung
FPS & Lure & Shore Jigging

Da Lian

qingchun qingchunnh
INTP-T/MDD/GAD/Bipolar disorder?
lkshrsch lks-hrsch
Study CS @tu-dresden

@DevelappersGmbH Dresden, Saxony

Ordralphabétix Ob91190
DevOps Engineer

AntemetA France

dword64 dword64
Windows kernel Connoisseur, low level programming, static analysis and (de)obfuscation

AvalonGroup in your Walls

GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Guillaume GDLAB guillaumedufour

Freelance Back-end developer Cluses, France

Sebastian Kruszewski SebKrusz


Max Knerrich maxknerrich
Currently writing my bachelor’s thesis on local-first software. Part-time UX Designer @porscheofficial, focused on in-car infotainment.

Stuttgart Media University Stuttgart, Germany

Ángel García Escudero Angelgares

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática Córdoba

tomonari_takahashi tomonari-t
🇯🇵 he / him. Web Developer. #JavaScript(TypeScript) / #Node.js #Ethereum #Rails #Flutter

@StudioPrairie Tokyo

Donato Junior odonatojunior
Front End @ Precisão Sistemas

Precisão Sistemas São Paulo

Blane Winstead BlaneWins
Software Engineer focused on creative solutions and customer experience.

Oxford, MS

Lee Gilliam III LeonidasE4
I am an intern in the IT department and am currently enrolled in college.
Miguel Machado MiguelMachado-dev
Software Engineer

@Globant Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Hoohkiz Oloneuvoz


Guillaume Outpox
3D Printing, MTB, Typescript, Sysadmin.

@pulsardev Nancy, France

Koray D3XX3R

@Offchat /root/

Chad Bercea chadbercea
Staff Product Designer @docker

PNW Mountains

Anthony Segarra Antsega
Associate | Big Data Engineer Lead

Booz Allen Hamilton Houston, Texas

Riley Fires rileysoma
programmer for old game tools and game dev worker bee #indiedev #womeninstem

Freelance New York, New York

kouki kamada kmdkuk

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

Thales Felippe thalesfelippe
Software Engineer | ReactJS | NextJS | Django | ☕ Powered by coffee, fueled by bugs, debugging my way to the next great solution.

World Wide

Cesar Vera Center-Deal
Engineering happiness

Cavalry Game Studios USA

@nikos-py nikos-py
scav venya#5658