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mehmet kucur mkucur
Akdeniz University Control and Automation Technologies


Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Kaan kaanboraoz
Hello, I am Kaan. I'm a software developer. always looking for new ways to improve my skills

Istanbul / Turkey

I ❤️ Open Source && Cyber Security Researcher


Ahmet Taner Atila atilaahmettaner
Software Developer

Eteration Turkey

Ahmed lazypwny751
I am a student who loves free software and is trying to develop useful scripts for GNU/Linux systems.

@ByCh4n-Group Equestria

Çağrı Büyük cagribuyuk
CTIS graduate, Bilkent University. Experienced in Java, Spring Boot, React, and Cisco Networking.

Bilkent University

Ramazan rgunindi
C#, Go, Java, and Awk languages. "Bigger the interface the weaker the abstraction” —Rob Pike
Şems Yılmaz akseyh
Full-Stack Developer @Cool-Digital-Solutions

Cool Digital Solutions Sakarya

Anıl Altunay MentalistTR

Çankaya Üniversity Civil Engineer

Mert Şişmanoğlu mertssmnoglu
Backend Developer

@bluewave-labs İstanbul / Turkey

expect the unexpected n3xpect
core developer


Burak KIRBAĞ burakkirbag
Husband, Father, Software Developer, Coffee Enthusiast

Architecht Kocaeli, Turkey

Kürşad Erduhan kursaderduhan
I'm just a Software Developer who wants to make useful products for people's daily life.
Mustafa Ali CAN Mustafa32
Embedded,IoT,C,C++,Rust,Python and everything in between.Whatever keeps my mind busy.


Kadir KATIRCI kadirkatirci
Güney Karaöz guneyee
Currently in my last year studying Mathematics at the University of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt, I am deeply interested in programming and cryptology, and am const

non ankara

yusuf aydemir

Mersin, Turkey

Melih Emre Güler MelihEmreGuler
Computer Science

@PrimeModality Istanbul Turkey

Batuhan Haymana 1batu

Rodos Grup Türkiye

Uğur Özyılmazel vigo
Computer programmer with over 30 years of experience who loves #golang #python #ruby and #bash.

@sipay-tr @vbyazilim @bilusteknoloji Istanbul, Turkey

Hakan Günay hgunay
Dev.Team Leader at @BT-Bilgi (Vodafone) C# | .NET | SQL | RUST | GO

@BT-Bilgi Ankara, Turkey

Mert Gör 🇹🇷 hwpplayer1
I work at @qbnetworks which is a Cyber Security company that serves to the public 24/7/365. Commits by @masscollabs account and I lead to @procyberian PSD

@qbnetworks İstanbul , Türkiye

Mehmet Burak Muştu brkmustu
Only Developer


Engin Açıkgöz canack
go, rust, cloud computing, distributed systems and more...


Burak Selim Senyurt buraksenyurt
Matematik Mühendisi, MBAci, eski MVP, blogger, @nedirtv editörü. Turuncu sakallı bir yazılım geliştirici.

@DogusTeknoloji Turkey

Berke mefreanzy

Ankara, Turkey

Eren Aslan erenaslandev

@VirtualMetric Türkiye

Ali Bektas alibektas
Still working on my virtual self.

@ferrous-systems Berlin , Germany