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Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani

Accurate Cyber Defense Mzimba

k1k4 KirillRebrov
Photography, trailrunning, mountain skiing.


Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

monsterkodi monsterkodi

Milky Way

Chris Patti feoh
Perpetually in pursuit of the bright shiny :) Card carrying Pythonista but I try to be pragmatic about tools.

I'm a Senior Devops Engineer with the Open Learning Engineering team @MIT Somerville, MA.

Kcorac kcorac
I'm an extremely handsome Muki that tries to make games with Kala.

Independent & Handsome Perú

Benoit de Chezelles bew
Happy dev hacking configs and playing with Nix (:

DevOps @ Orness / IbanFirst Paris

Mario Cole macole1669

Articul8 AI Phoenix, AZ