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SVG Fixer

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CI/Test npm Coveralls github

๐ŸŽ‰ v3.0.0 Is now 11x faster thanks to @ericfennis, see #89.

๐ŸŽ‰ v2.0.0 Removed Canvas & JSDOM no more slow npm install cycles.

Attempts to fix your svg by turning it into a fill / single path (and making it font compatible as a bonus).

Convert SVG Strokes To Fills

Strokes To Files Demo

Documentation, Installation, and Usage Instructions

See the full installation and usage documentation HERE.

The Objective

I wanted to convert some svg icons to fonts using tools like, and webfont

The Problem / Why

If your svg containts strokes or any tags besides a single path e.g polygon rect line etc, you will get these errors when trying to convert them into fonts.



Icon -> we will be using in this example

SVG Icon

Code -> for the icon

viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<rect x="3" y="3" width="18" height="18" rx="2" ry="2" />
<line x1="9" y1="9" x2="15" y2="15" />
<line x1="15" y1="9" x2="9" y2="15" />


When we try to convert this SVG into a font using one of these SVG To Font conversion tools we get the following errors. error error webfont error
Icomoon Error Fontello Error Webfont Error

Ignoring The Errors

What happends if you ignore these errors? well, the font pack with the icon(s) will come out "corrupt/incorrect", different than expected or not even render at all (blank).

Results From Ignoring The Errors

The icon not showning up or rendering in the font pack when we ignore the errors and just create the font anyway. blank blank webfont blank using to preview the font
Icomoon Blank Fontello Blank Webfont Blank

The Solution

I created this package to solve this issue, now you can "fix" svg icons to make then font compatable by running them through SVGFixer.

Fixing The Icon

The icon in a font pack after we run it through SVGFixer(). fixed fixed webfont fixed using to preview the font
Icomoon Fixed Fontello Fixed Webfont Fixed

Fixed SVG Code

<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M4.620 2.025 C 4.212 2.105,4.087 2.139,3.870 2.227 C 2.989 2.585,2.321 3.364,2.076 4.320 C 1.993 4.647,1.992 19.351,2.076 19.677 C 2.357 20.776,3.117 21.553,4.260 21.915 C 4.439 21.971,5.243 21.979,11.820 21.990 C 16.818 21.998,19.268 21.989,19.453 21.960 C 20.643 21.777,21.620 20.876,21.924 19.680 C 22.007 19.352,22.008 4.648,21.924 4.323 C 21.617 3.126,20.660 2.233,19.480 2.043 C 19.234 2.003,4.819 1.986,4.620 2.025 M19.340 4.066 C 19.455 4.105,19.603 4.201,19.701 4.299 C 20.025 4.623,20.000 3.977,20.000 12.000 C 20.000 20.023,20.025 19.377,19.701 19.701 C 19.377 20.025,20.023 20.000,12.000 20.000 C 3.975 20.000,4.623 20.025,4.298 19.700 C 3.974 19.376,3.998 20.028,4.010 11.918 L 4.020 4.700 4.131 4.511 C 4.256 4.298,4.449 4.136,4.670 4.057 C 4.793 4.013,6.104 4.003,11.983 4.002 C 18.548 4.000,19.162 4.006,19.340 4.066 M8.643 8.069 C 8.291 8.193,8.000 8.614,8.000 9.000 C 8.000 9.080,8.030 9.234,8.066 9.343 C 8.123 9.517,8.276 9.685,9.354 10.770 L 10.577 12.000 9.354 13.230 C 8.276 14.315,8.123 14.483,8.066 14.657 C 7.936 15.046,8.021 15.423,8.299 15.701 C 8.577 15.979,8.954 16.064,9.343 15.934 C 9.517 15.877,9.685 15.724,10.770 14.646 L 12.000 13.423 13.230 14.646 C 14.315 15.724,14.483 15.877,14.657 15.934 C 15.046 16.064,15.423 15.979,15.701 15.701 C 15.979 15.423,16.064 15.046,15.934 14.657 C 15.877 14.483,15.724 14.315,14.646 13.230 L 13.423 12.000 14.646 10.770 C 15.724 9.685,15.877 9.517,15.934 9.343 C 16.064 8.954,15.979 8.577,15.701 8.299 C 15.423 8.021,15.046 7.936,14.657 8.066 C 14.483 8.123,14.315 8.276,13.230 9.354 L 12.000 10.577 10.770 9.354 C 9.685 8.276,9.517 8.123,9.343 8.066 C 9.102 7.985,8.877 7.986,8.643 8.069 " stroke="none" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>