Kate-Get is no longer supported or maintained since {the External Tools Plugin was removed}[http://kate-editor.org/2011/08/09/maintainer-needed-kate-external-tools-plugin/].
Kate-Get takes a space separated list of file paths and checks each one against a list of sources. If a match is found, the file is copied via rsync to a local directory. Options for each source are controlled by a config file. Subdirectories are handled automatically based on how local and remote root paths are set.
First, make a config file for kate-get (see the next section) and then call it with
kate-get "file_1 file_2 file_3"
The quoted argument is a space separated string of full file paths. Each file will be checked against the list of sources until it matches one, then the file will be copied into the corresponding subdirectory of the root directory for that source.
YARD documentation can be found at the RubyGems.org page rubygems.org/gems/kate-get.
By default, Kate-Get looks for the YAML file
An example of a config file
:global: :host: "example.com" :port: 22 :user: "user-name" :sources: "foo.com": :local: "~/Development/foo" :root: "/var/www/vhosts/##source_name##/htdocs" :base: "sftp://user@foo.com:22/var/www/vhosts/##source_name##/htdocs/" "bar.com": :local: "~/Development/bar" :root: "/var/www/vhosts/##source_name##/htdocs" :base: "sftp://user@bar.com:22/var/www/vhosts/##source_name##/htdocs/" :host: "bar.com" :port: 42 :user: "bar-user-name"
There are two sections
global - rsync connection information
host - hostname or IP
port - port to connect on
user - username to connect with
These options may be overridden on a per-source basis by specifying them there.
sources - each entry is a source name (string) with the following options
local - path to local folder where files should be copied too (no leading slash)
root - path to remote folder (input file must exist in some subdirectory of this to be copied)
base - prefix string that will be stripped from the file name
Note that the string ##source_name## will be automatically replaced by the source name.
In this example config, there are two sources named foo.com and bar.com. Here, bar.com has been configured to use different connection info. If a file path starts with the base of one of these sources, it will be copied to the corresponding subdirectory of the root directory for that source. For example, if file_1 was
rsync would copy the remote file from example.com
to the local file
This configuration uses a base which is the form Kate uses when accessing a file over sftp.
Kate-Get is meant to be used with Kate (kate-editor.org) as an external tool. For information on adding external tools to Kate see docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdesdk/kate/config-dialog.html.
If you want a tool that only copies the currently open file use
kate-get "%URL"
If you want to loop through all open files use
kate-get "%URLs"
Note that you may need to use the full path to the kate-get binary, usually
The example confiuration given above
Download and install Kate-Get with
gem install kate-get
Kate-Get is currently hosted at github. The github web page is github.com/razor-x/kate-get. To clone the project run
git clone git://github.com/razor-x/kate-get.git
Kate-Get is licensed under the MIT license.
This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.