I'm Anna, a Creative Coder focused on visual 3D Β· 2D experiences and interactivity on the Web.
I explore possibilities of coding tools for artistic expression.
threejs / webgl / glsl / svg / javascript
code art Β· generative art Β· interactive storytelling Β· imagination
I discovered creative coding in summer 2017 and been publishing my javascript experiments on Codepen since. Interactive SVG was my favorite medium of expression back then.
In 2019 I started to teach myself realtime 3D: threejs / webgl and glsl shaders. I was amazed by the endless possibilites of these tools. I learned to think in visual 3D forms and narratives, a very rewarding process to me as a creative person.
Around summer 2021 I dove deep into generative art, combining all the things I've learned so far.. and the rest is history.
I'm on my journey of making infinite versions of weird, poetic, playful and memorable visuals.
Here is my Twitter where I post my sketches and works. You're welcome to get in touch with me there.
Also @ouchpixels on Discord.