Want to know a score, get it here.
See a version of this component in use with the SwissPrEPared HIV risk calculator.
Install the calculator from NPM.
npm install @ovl/score-calculator
Next, import it in the component where you want to use it:
import ScoreCalculator from '@ovl/score-calculator'
These questions must be objects which have a unique ID, a title, and an array of answers. Let’s take this question as an example:
id: 123456789,
title: 'How many nights do you sleep in a normal week?',
answers: [
{ text: '≥10', score: 7 },
{ text: '6–9', score: 4 },
{ text: '0–5', score: 0 }
As you can see, all answers have a score
property. That’s rather important, as the diligent score calculation robot making this component work needs scores to compute. As it’s diligent but not sophisticated, the scores need to be given to them.
In it’s former life it has been employed as the calculating soul of an abacus. Unfortunartely, abaci went out of fashion and our score calculating robot became a bit bored. Luckily we found them before something bad happened and they now works happily inside the score calculator.
Got a bit carried away there. Back to the component.
More formally:
An answer is an object of text and score.
answer: Object {
text: String,
score: Number
A question has a mandatory, unique ID and a title as well as an array of answers which need to implement the answer interface.
question: Object {
id: String | Number,
title: String,
answers: Array [answer]
Finally, questions are an array of question types:
questions: Array[question]
To change the text content of the button, use the buttonText
buttonText: {
type: String,
default: 'Show results'
By default all questions are required before a score is calculated. If some questions are optional, you can change this behaviour through the questionsOptional
questionsOptional: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
Once a user clicks on the button there two possibilities.
If all questions have been answered – or questionsOptional
is set to true
– the component emits scoreResult
with the accumulated score as its payload.
If not all questions have been answered and questionsOptional
is set to false
the emitted event is missingQuestions
without the missing questions as its payload.
You’ll need to install the project’s dependencies first:
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test:unit
npm run lint