Well hi, I’m into all kinds of tech and love learning new things—mostly self-taught. I especially enjoy reverse engineering, coding in C++, Python, and I can even do full-stack development (yes, even frontend guys). I'm really into the GoldSrc engine (I just love it), CS2/CS1.6, exploit development, low-level programming, operating systems, assembly, and all that fun stuff.
btw that chick on my pfp is from the new ida 9.0 release.
CS2 buildnumber dumper CS2 build number dumper.
oxWARE My definitive CS 1.6 cheat that is free and open-source!
sigscanner Customizable C++ signature scanner.
ida-function-string-associate IDA 9.0 Function String Associate Plugin.
goldsrc-version-list A complete list of GoldSrc versions, build dates, including original binaries!
goldsource-dll-decryptor DLL decryptor for older GoldSrc builds.
goldsrc-reversed-steam_api Reverse-engineered steam_api module that ships with the GoldSrc engine.
goldsrc-reversed-build_number-function A reverse-engineered replica of the build number generator algorithm used in GoldSrc.
cstrike-random-number-generator A reverse-engineered version of RNG (Random Number Generator) algorithm that is being used within cstrike.
goldsrc-reversed-dinput Reverse-engineered original DInput code for the GoldSource engine.
goldsrc-wad-walker A small program to utilize GoldSrc WAD3 files.
GetTickCountImpl An internal implementation for GetTickCount & GetTickCount64.
GetProcAddress Implementation of custom GetProcAddress using library exports.
iat-dump A dumper for all the imports stored within a Windows PE (portable executable).
eat-fn-finder A dumper for all the exports that the specified module exports.
elf-parser A simple elf parser that can dump and log data stored inside an elf file.
obfuscated-win-directory-printer An obfuscated windows directory printer.