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Hubris Fervently Anticipated Questions (FAQ)

Analogies to other things

You might be trying to understand Hubris by fitting it into an existing category you're familiar with. This section tries to help. Hubris is a somewhat unusual system, and doesn't fit perfectly into most established categories, so the answers here will be longer than yes/no.

Is Hubris preemptively scheduled?

Hubris uses strict task priorities. If a more-important task becomes runnable, the less-important task is immediately preempted. So in that sense, yes.

Hubris is not time-sliced, so, within a single priority level, each task is allowed to run until it blocks before other tasks at that priority have an opportunity to run. So you could sort of squint and view this as cooperative, within a single priority level.

For strictly predictable preemption behavior, assign each task a separate priority -- the system performance doesn't change as you use more priority levels.

Is this a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)?

From our perspective, yes. But it depends on what exactly you mean by RTOS.

Hubris is designed to support applications with real-time constraints, because that's what we need. It keeps critical sections as short as practical and allows for strict prioritization of tasks, so that you can reason (informally) about the worst-case response time to an event even under high load. It contains system features designed to make priority inversion and deadlock more difficult to achieve. And, while we don't have hard worst-case execution time bounds on the kernel right now, we did choose algorithms in the kernel whose performance scales with build-time factors, rather than run-time factors -- for instance, the total number of tasks, not the total number of tasks blocked in state X.

There are several things that might make Hubris unfamiliar to users of other RTOSes, however.

Many RTOSes provide a set of common abstractions such as copy-in-out queues and mutexes. Hubris doesn't provide these at the operating system level.

Finally, many RTOS APIs are festooned with timeout parameters, to the point that people have come to think of "everything has a timeout" as one of the characteristics of an RTOS. Hubris follows later versions of L4 in not providing timeouts on OS operations for reasons of principle, but provides the parts you'd need to implement application-level timeouts instead, if you need them.

Is this a microkernel?

The Hubris kernel is designed to be fairly small with a nearly-minimal set of abstractions and operations. For robustness reasons we move a lot of code that normally runs in the privileged-mode kernel out of privileged mode -- in particular, hardware drivers. These features are shared by many systems that refer to themselves as "microkernels."

However, "microkernel" is an ambiguous term -- and for some people, a controversial one. It has also been diluted enough by large systems calling themselves "micro" that you can draw very few conclusions about the actual shape of a system from the term "microkernel." So, we haven't found it particularly useful to call Hubris a "microkernel."

Instead, if you need a concise term to describe Hubris's design philosophy, we suggest "emokernel."

Is this a single-address-space system?

Literally, yes. However, that term is overloaded in practice to mean two different things:

  • A flat addressed system where numeric addresses are globally unambiguous. Hubris is a flat addressed system. Specifically, Hubris uses physical addresses without translation.

  • A non-isolated system where all software in the flat address space can potentially access all other software, like Windows 95 or MacOS System 7. Hubris was specifically designed to avoid doing this.

Is this a library operating system?

Hubris is not a "library operating system" in the conventional sense of an operating system that gets linked into the application's address space as a library, because the "operating system" parts of Hubris -- the kernel and drivers -- are separately compiled and accessed by syscalls rather than being directly addressable. Thus, compared to most things that call themselves "library operating systems," Hubris has somewhat higher call overhead due to the need for a context switch.

Is this a unikernel?

No. While Hubris has some design decisions in common with some systems that call themselves "unikernels," like the lack of a binary program loader or an easy ability to create new processes/tasks at runtime, in most respects Hubris is at the polar opposite end of the design space.

  • Unikernels claim performance benefits by linking everything into a single address space and thus eliminating context switch overhead for inter-modular calls. Hubris aggressively segments the address space and accepts context switch overhead as a necessary evil in exchange for fault isolation within the application.

  • Traditional unikernels put the kernel and the application in the same address space such that the application can arbitrarily corrupt kernel state. Hubris does the opposite.

  • Unikernels are typically intended to be run on a hypervisor. Hubris is not.

Is this a teapot?

Well, it really depends on what you mean by "teapot."

But, probably not.

Didn't system X do this Y years ago?


We've tried to be pretty explicit in the Hubris docs that very few of our ideas are genuinely new -- rather, we're assembling existing ideas, some of which have sat disused for decades, into a new system that we think is useful.

The Build

What operating systems do you support for building Hubris?

We mostly build and test on Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch) and Windows. We also try to keep things working on Mac and Illumos.

What Rust toolchain versions do you support?

Because of our reliance on nightly toolchain features, we support exactly one version of the toolchain -- the one listed in our rust-toolchain.toml file at the top of the repo.

Why does Hubris require the nightly Rust toolchain?

Mostly because we need some assembly language, and we'd like to write that in Rust functions instead of separate files, which means we need the unstable asm feature. To do context switching, specifically, we need to be able to write a function that contains only assembly instructions without additional preamble/epilogue code. For this, we need the unstable naked_fn feature.

At the time of this writing, portions of asm are on track to stabilizing, but unfortunately not the portions we use.

Unfortunately, Hubris's use of the nightly toolchain more or less requires any applications of Hubris to also use the nightly toolchain.

Just because we're on nightly doesn't mean we can use any unstable feature -- we're trying hard not to use any additional unstable features, in the hopes of eventually being able to use stable.

Hardware support

Which processors / SoCs does Hubris support?

Hubris-the-system primarily targets the ST STM32H74/5 and NXP LPC55S systems-on-chip, because we're using them for stuff. We have "second tier" support for STM32F3/4 and STM32H7B, because they're available on useful evaluation boards. We also have very early Cortex-M0+ support, mostly focused on the STM32G0.

Hubris-the-kernel is essentially device-independent and runs on any ARMv6-M processor, or any ARMv7E-M or ARMv8-M Main-profile processor with a floating point unit. (The FPU requirement comes from our context switch code, which currently unconditionally saves the floating point registers on those architectures.)

Porting the kernel to support Cortex-M3 (ARMv7-M but without floating point) would be straightforward, and we may do it eventually depending on whether interesting M3 cores keep being released.

Can Hubris run on an ARM Cortex part without a Memory Protection Unit (MPU)?

Short answer: not at the moment.

The Hubris kernel assumes that an MPU is available, and configures it. This behavior isn't conditional, because it's important that it always happens. But, on CPUs whose vendors chose to omit the MPU, this means the kernel will fault early in startup with a Bus Fault.

It is technically possible to get Hubris to run on an MPU-less Cortex-M, but it would discard some of the properties that guided Hubris's design. In particular, unsafe code in any task can now mess with any other task, or the kernel, and drivers can access each others' peripherals. This means that restarting tasks is no longer reliable, because we can't reason about how far any corruption could have leaked.

In addition, many vendors who have cheaped out by configuring their processors without MPUs have also removed the unprivileged/privileged distinction that provides separate interrupt/process stack pointers. (The Microchip SAMD21 is a notable example of this.) This change would be much harder to work around in the Hubris kernel, and we're treating it as a blocking issue for the time being.

Which processors sound confusingly similar but aren't supported?

Just because something says "ARM" doesn't mean it looks anything like another thing that says "ARM." The Cortex-M processors we currently support are very different from earlier ARM parts or the modern Cortex-A/R lines.

  • Cortex-R has the right memory protection model for Hubris, but an entirely different interrupt model.
  • Cortex-A has a different interrupt model plus a different memory protection model, which we'd need to add support for.
  • ARM7/ARM9/ARM11 (pre-Cortex) ARM cores are most similar to Cortex-A, but often are implemented without a memory protection unit of any kind, making Hubris way less interesting.

This means that, at the moment, Hubris won't run on your Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, or Apple Newton.

Why not support RISC-V?

In short, because we couldn't buy a RISC-V-based microcontroller that met our needs at the time that we had to commit to a processor. We hope to switch our products to RISC-V as soon as practical. Hubris was designed to be compatible with the microcontroller-class RV32I cores with physical memory protection, but actually supporting them would take a lot of paperwork -- particularly in Humility.

Can Hubris run under QEMU?

Not usefully, no.

QEMU's emulation of Cortex-M system peripherals -- specifically, the interrupt model, NVIC, and SysTick timer, at minimum -- is buggy, and has been for about a decade. These bugs combine to make Hubris unreliable on QEMU. Even if Hubris ran reliably, QEMU's lack of rigor in emulating M-profile CPUs (for, again, a decade) mean that we wouldn't trust the results.

Ideally we'll be moving to an open-source RISC-V core that we can emulate at the RTL level for guaranteed-correct results. But, we're not there yet.

Using Hubris

Can I use the Rust Embedded HAL to write tasks on Hubris?

Generally speaking, no, you can't. This is because the Rust Embedded ecosystem is generally written with the assumption that it runs in the processor's privileged mode, and assumes that it can disable interrupts whenever it wants to enforce data structure invariants. Now, this offends us from a real-time perspective, but the problem is more than just one of taste -- on ARM, the interrupt enable/disable instructions are no-ops in unprivileged mode.

This means that the Rust Embedded HAL code is generally unsound in unprivileged mode. Using it can corrupt its data structures and lead to odd results.

However, the lower level Rust Peripheral Access Crates (PACs) such as stm32h7 and lpc55 are generally safe to use, as long as you don't rely on the parts that assume global system mutexes like Peripherals::take() -- those parts are also unsound.

Having to be this careful is unfortunate, but we reported this unsoundness to upstream in July 2020 and it has not been fixed. So it goes.

Can I write tasks in languages other than Rust?

While this isn't supported out of the box, we've tried to keep it possible. In particular, the system call ABI isn't tied to the Rust API, and could be used from C. Note that this would require you to interact with the Hubris IPC ecosystem from a language with no equivalent of serde or data-bearing enums, which sounds pretty unpleasant to us, but it is technically possible.

Folks have also asked about MicroPython or similar REPLs. We see no place for garbage-collected interpreters in our systems, but you could almost certainly get one working if you have a need for it!

Can I write tasks using async / await ?

Not easily, yet.

We have not pursued async support because some of our favorite Humility features interact poorly with it. In particular, it is not currently possible to print a stack trace (or equivalent state dump) for an async fn that is not currently being polled -- and we like stack traces.

In the longer term, some of us (mostly Cliff) would like to support async in tasks to eliminate the remaining cases where we have to write hand-rolled state machines. But, this is will have to wait until we have more free time.

There are some open design questions about how things like IPC should interact with async -- the system invariant that a task can only have one outstanding synchronous SEND message at a time is kind of important, and might cramp your style a bit if you're imagining a preemptive async paradise. However, async in servers (such as drivers) should be significantly easier, and if you're excited about this you may be able to write your own async runtime that lives in a task today, as a separate crate.

For a worked example of an embedded async runtime targeting the same chips as Hubris, see lilos.

Task interaction corner cases

How does recv decide which message to deliver?

RECV always delivers the highest-priority message, meaning, the message from the highest-priority sender. If the recipient calls RECV while one or more tasks are blocked to send to it, the kernel will choose the highest priority one and deliver its message. If no tasks are blocked waiting to send, then the recipient task itself will be blocked -- the kernel will then deliver whichever message is sent to it first. This is guaranteed to be the highest priority pending message, as it's the only pending message.

It sure looks like messages can be silently truncated, isn't that bad?

Ah, you've been reading the syscall docs. Great!

Messages can indeed be truncated, but it is never silent. Truncation can happen in only one case:

A client sends a message to a server, and that message is larger than the server's incoming buffer. This is assumed to be a client bug. In this case, the data returned from sys_recv tells the server that the client messed up. The server can inspect the prefix of the message if it wants, but in practice, we just return an error code to the client and ignore the message.

In the other direction, if a server tries to send a reply message that is too large for the client's incoming buffer, we immediately fault the server. Why? Because the server was informed of the size of the client's incoming buffer -- it's part of the data returned by sys_recv -- and so a failure to respect that is a programming error in the server program. So, this direction will never truncate.

Can a rapidly failing task DoS the supervisor or kernel?

Short answer: it really depends on which task is failing. In the simplest case, if the supervisor itself crashes, then yes, that can take out the supervisor -- but that's probably not what you meant.

Task failures are converted, by the kernel, into a notification delivered to the application's supervisor task. The supervisor task is expected to do something in response to this, typically restarting the failed task.

So, it's worth discussing what happens if a task enters a rapid crash-loop, and the supervisor unconditionally and promptly restarts it.

In the absence of other tasks, this will cause control of the CPU to bounce between the crash-looping task and the supervisor task. If the crash-loop happens without yielding (e.g. blocking on a syscall or timer or something), the CPU will not idle.

If there are other tasks in the application, priorities come into play. If a task starts crash-looping at priority 6, say,

  • All tasks that are more important (priorities 0 through 5 inclusive) have priority on the CPU. This means that they didn't need to do useful work at the time of the crash, or our crashing task wouldn't have been able to run, and so wouldn't have crashed. This also means that if an interrupt causes them to have useful work to do, they will either directly preempt the crashing task, or run directly after the supervisor finishes restarting the crashing task. So, they'll be essentially unaffected.

  • All tasks that are less important (priorities 7+) will only be able to run if the crashing task blocks between crashes, or if the supervisor delays restarting it.

If this is a concern in your application, you can address it with logic in the supervisor to delay, perhaps indefinitely, the restart of a crash-looping task.

In our experience so far, bugs causing genuine crash-loops are fairly rare, and tend to be caught during development -- we've had to deliberately write some crashy tasks to test the behavior.

Design and implementation questions

Why send/recv/reply instead of just send/recv?

Because we expected most of our inter-task interactions to be shaped like calls, so it seemed useful to support call-shaped interactions as a first-class thing.

People have tried a lot of different things here; early versions of L4 had send/recv operations but also a variety of fused forms that looked a lot like Hubris's API. Later versions of L4 have tried, well, basically anything you can possibly try -- that's one of the nice parts about academia. MINIX 3 has a SENDREC operation that is equivalent to Hubris SEND, plus a SENDNB operation equivalent to REPLY. So, there are a lot of potential choices that are valid; we might adjust Hubris's set of primitives in the future if we find a good reason.

Practically speaking, however, the choice to privilege call-shaped sends above all others has had huge benefits by enabling safe memory sharing through leases, which are analogous to MINIX 3 grants but without the risk of aliasing and races.

See the IPC chapter of the reference manual for more.

Why synchronous? Isn't asynchronous faster?

No. Asynchronous system call APIs can produce higher throughput in situations where there are many events in flight, particularly on multicore systems. They cannot produce lower latency, however, and that's the version of "faster" that matters to us in embedded control systems.

As for the design reasons for going with synchronous interaction, there's a section on that in the reference manual.

Note also that asynchronous systems are not immune to deadlock -- they just deadlock in ways that are far harder to observe.

Where did that "about 2000 lines of code" number come from? I see a lot of code here.

The line count we've occasionally cited is the number of lines of code in Hubris's trusted codebase, aka the part you have to use, aka the kernel. We measure lines of code with cloc, so it's actually a significant over-estimate compared to (say) semicolon counting, because of the way we have rustfmt configured. Rustfmt really loves to use vertical space.