poiji Public
🍬 A library converting XLS and XLSX files to a list of Java objects based on Apache POI
solr Public
Forked from apache/solrApache Solr open-source search software
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 5, 2024 -
datacamp Public
🍧 DataCamp data-science and machine learning courses
medium-history Public
"Reading history" is back to the main page of medium.com
ozlerhakan.github.io Public
Forked from barryclark/jekyll-nowBuild a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
toci Public
🗂 markdown tool to create table of content from jupyter notebooks
deep-learning-notes Public
🤖 Deep Learning notes and snippets
keywords_clustering Public
cluster text data using sentence bert
jest Public
💍 ipython magic tool to make smooth HTTP calls
solr-chrome-extension Public
A tool for scroll-to-up and display-row-number features
markov-chain Public
A markov chain implementation written with Python
solring Public
🔍 A tiny Solr import tool to save records of custom queries from Solr to local storage
pelikan Public
🦩 A Python tool to create comment-free Jupyter notebooks.
rapid Public
🐳 A lightweight Docker Developer Interface for Docker Remote API
mongolastic Public archive
🚥 A dataset migration tool from MongoDB to Elasticsearch and vice versa.
all-contributors Public
Forked from all-contributors/all-contributors✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨
begin-today-react-web Public
Forked from doxa-labs/begin-today-react-webreact begin today
mongodb-json-files Public
📦 A curated list of JSON / BSON datasets from the web in order to practice / use in MongoDB
datacamp-projects Public
A list of data-camp projects I have done
cyber Public
eda Public
Exploratory Data Analysis Samples
ab-test Public
A repo that analyzes an A/B test result of an e-commerce website.