A real-time scalable machine learning service built with Azure
Clone and add this repo into Azure DevOps. Detailed instructions on building this Azure Machine Learning service will be written in a blog article.
This project is part of the our team's final project for Microsoft AI Challenge 2019. The data we used can be obtained from here.
- Azure Active Directory, Virtual Network, Secret scope, Key-Vault
- Azure DevOps, Azure Container Instance, Azure Kubeneters Service
- Azure Machine Learning Service, Databricks, Blob Storage
- MMLSPark
- Prepare environment for model creation.
- Build model in Databricks.
- Create images from model.
- Deploy image to Azure Container Instance and Azure Kubernete Service.
- Test ACI endpoint
Load historical data from Blob storage to Databricks
Train LightGBM model use MML Spark on Databricks
Save and register the model into an AzureML Workspace Model Registry
Define model serving script using MML Spark Serving
Register model serving image in Azure Container Registry
Define AKS cluster instances and sizing to meet serving requirements
Deploy serving webservice to AKS
Acoustic Signal Manipulation
Add a constant noise to each 150k segment (both in train and test) by calculating
np.random.normal(0, 0.5, 150000)
. Subtract the median of the segment after noise addition. -
(i) number of peaks of at least support 2 on the denoised signal (ii) 20% percentile on std of rolling window of size 50 (iii) 4th and (iv) 18th Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients mean.
Cross Validation
Shuffled 3-fold CV
LightGBM in MMLSpark
- Azure DevOps is used to continuously build the image of the model and release it as an endpoint
- Continuously deploy image as Azure Container Instance for test and Azure Kuberneters Service for production.
- Utilize Azure Active Directory, Virtual Network, Secret scope, Key-Vault to secure data and secret variables.