I am actively looking for opportunities - Hire Me
- Built Own HTTP Server - Code - JavaScript
- Built My Own Redis - Code - Python, Socket, Multi-Threading
- ETH Balance Retreival API - Code - API DOCS - NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB, SwaggerJs, Web3.js, Zod
- CollabWrite - Code - NodeJs, ExpressJs, QuillJs, Socket.io, ReactJs, MongoDB
- FinSact(Transaction Management App) - Code - NodeJs, ReactJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB, Mongoose, Zod
- Built Own Git - Code - Python
- My Own JSON_Parser - Code - JavaScript
- wc_tool - Code - JavaScript
- Video Chat - Code - ExpressJs, NodeJs, Socket.io, WebRTC
- Shopping Cart - Code - Live - TypeScript, ReactJs
- Tic-Tac-Toe - Code - Python
- TODO Authenticate API - Code - NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB, JWT, Jest
- ServChat - Code - TypeScript, ReactJs, NextJs, Socket.io, Prisma, TailwindCSS, MySQL
- Social Media API - Code - NodeJs, ExpressJs, Mongoose, MongoDB, API Development
- Cuvette Dashboard - Code - Live - ReactJs
- BookStore - Code - NodeJs, ReactJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB, TailwindCSS
- Modern Cars - Code - Live - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Animations
- Background Changer - Code - Live - ReactJs, TailwindCSS
- My Notes - Code - Live - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Coffee Shop - Code - Live - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Stop Watch - Code - Live - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Binary Clock - Code - Live - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Responsive Landing Page - Code - Live - HTML, CSS
- Insta Story Feature - Code - Live - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Calculator - Code - Live - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Analog Clock - Code - Live - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Casino Game - Code - NodeJs
- Sentimental Analysis - Code - Machine Learning, Python
- Task Management - Code - Live - JavaScript, HTML/CSS
- Survival Prediction - Code - Machine Learning, Python
- Image Classification - Code - Machine Learning, Python
- 800+ Problems Solved
- 3β Star || Max Rating 1800+
- In the Top 8%
- 350+ Problems Solved
- Institute Rank 1
- 1100+ Coding Score
- 350+ Problems Solved
- Institute Rank 1. with Level 7 Expert
- Rating Max(4000+)
- Top Performer on Leader Board
- 19000+ Coding Score
- 300+ Problems Solved
- 5β in Python || 5β in C++ || 3β in SQL
- 3πMax(1721) Rating
- 250+ Problem Solved
Happy Coding π©΅