Amazon EKS workshop walkthrough repository.
This is a collection of Amazon EKS popular topics and assets aimed to help you successfully build your Amazon EKS workload.
Options to create your own Amazon EKS environment:
Create your EKS Cluster with eksctl - A super powerful Amazon EKS CLI.
aws-samples/amazon-eks-refarch-cloudformation - Reference architecture of Amazon EKS with modern cloudformation templates. Create the
ofmixed instance types
andpurchase options
by simplymake create-eks-cluster
. -
Create EKS cluster and managed nodegroup with AWS CDK by aws-samples/amazon-eks-refarch-cloudformation
Working with kubectl for basic administrations
Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate with alb-ingress-controller
ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer
ALB Ingress Controller(GitHub)
Traefik Ingress(official doc|walkthrough)
Nginx Ingress(github)
NLB+Nginx Ingress(AWS blogpost)
HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress(official doc|github)
Kong Ingress(github)
Create your 1st app from scratch and deploy into Amazon EKS
CDK samples from aws-samples/amazon-eks-refarch-cloudformation
💥 pahud/eks-spot
awslabs/amazon-eks-serverless-drainer - Amazon EKS node drainer with AWS Lambda
Blog - Interacting with EKS via Lambda by @nbrandaleone
Storage(PV, PVC and StatefulSet)
Kubernetes Dashboard
Affinity and Anti-Affinity
Taint and Toleration
Cordon and Uncordon
HPA(Horizontal Pod Autoscaling) - a batch or job optimized horizontal autoscaler for Kubernetes
Fluentd integration
Amazon EKS with AWS CodeBuild integration
💥Amazon EKS Canary Deployment with AWS App Mesh and AWS Step Function
Amazon EKS Continuous Deployment Sample using AWS CodePipeline
Automate Kubernetes deployment on Amazon EKS with
Blog - Continuous Delivery with Amazon EKS and Jenkins X
💥 Create 12 EKS clusters in parallel one for each in different regions with Codepipeline
cross region capabilities(demo tweet and cfn template)
ExternalDNS and Route53 Auto Naming API
💥Amazon EKS Canary Deployment with AWS App Mesh and AWS Step Function
Installing Istio 1.x on Amazon EKS
Blog - Getting Started with Istio on Amazon EKS -
How to integrate AWS ALB with istio v1.0 by Chuan-Yen Chiang -
CloudWatch Events scheduled kubectl execution from within AWS Fargate(Tweet)
aws-samples/lambda-layer-kubectl - AWS Lambda layer for kubectl - Run kubectl
command in AWS Lambda
K8s Cloudwatch Adapter - and subscribe this issue in AWS container public roadmap.
Cloudwatch Container Insights - monitoring kubernetes resources
Multiple EKS clusters sharing single VPC and ALB - (tweet|architecture)
SkyScanner: Building Highly-Available, Multi-Region Kubernetes Clusters on 100% Amazon EC2 Spot(Youtube)