{PHG} : A mini programming language for describing everything.
PHG is a minimalist programming language named after bacteriophage. This language combines the idea of group theory to carry out custom overloading of variables and operation elements in the host program. {PHG} is a specialization PHG for describing the structure of nodes, which is a descriptive language. The nodes it describes can be given any meaning, such as 3D scene nodes, 2D sprite nodes, etc. Internally combines some special syntax and embedded PHG statements to describe complex scenes with the simplest text.
- Define {a}, define a node a.
- Property, property : value;
- Attribute, attribute = value;
- Inherit {a}, inherit properties from existing nodes, but not properties
- Array[a,b,c] and Queue<a,b,c>
- Immediate statement (phg) immediately executes the PHG statement enclosed in parentheses
- A sequence refers to an ordered N-tuple, and the sequence itself can be used as an element to participate in four operations <a,b,c,d>
- The relationship formula between sequence and node expression: <a,b,c,d> = {a{b{c{d}}}}
- Arrays are the concept of arrays and can also perform Boolean operations according to set theory [a,b,c,d] = {{a}{b}{c}{d}}
@cycle? :condition
$ function and return
~ escape symbol
'>' print symbols
; end symbol
- Basic variables are divided into integers and floating-point trees, which can be directly defined as: a = 1; b = 0.1; >a+b; (print the value of a+b)
- Variables can also be node names defined in the tree structure
- Variables can be customized by the host program, and corresponding operations can also be customizedme is the current operation node
- Conditional statements:
?(expr){ statement }:{ else statement }
?(expr) statement1; : statement2;
- Loop statement:
@n{ statement1 ?(_i = x) ˜;statement2;}
@ (expr){ statement; }
- Functions are divided into script custom functions and host API functions
- Custom function format:
$function(args...) { statement $return }
Call function:
- The tree structure is the data object of PHG, corresponding to the class or structure
- How to define a tree structure :
property: value;
name: { child node }
? selector [ a:{},{b},c] #array
<a,b,c> #Queue
Phg/onevent : #PHG expression
# test me
a {}
{ p:1,0,0;
- Define a{ }, define a node a
- Property, property : value;
- Attribute, attribute = value;
- Inherit {a}, inherit properties from existing nodes, but not properties
- Array [a, b, c] with sequence <a, b, c>
- Immediate statement (phg) immediately executes the PHG statement enclosed in parentheses
The attribute definition format of the tree node: attribute name: value;
Such as: pos: 1,2,3;
Attributes of tree nodes can be PHG expressions, with expressions enclosed in parentheses, for example:
{pos: (_t*2),(_i*3),1}
Where _t, _i are internal variables, which are the depth and the position number in the array respectively.
- The definition format of the child node: nodename{property definition; child nodename{}…} for example:
node1{pos:1,2,3; node2{}}
#Can be nested or anonymous such as:
node1{pos:1,2,3; node2{x:1; node3{y:1}}}
#Can inherit other nodes such as:
- A sequence refers to an ordered N-tuple, and the sequence itself can be used as an element to participate in four operations
<a, b, c, d>
#The relationship formula between sequence and node expression:
<a, b, c, d> = {a{b{c{d}}}}
#Array is the concept of array, and there is a level relationship between elements:
[a, b, c, d] = {{a}{b}{c}{d}}
#Array and queue notation can be used to define child nodes. For example:
#It is also possible to inherit from other nodes:
#Queues and arrays cannot be nested directly when they are nested:
<a,b<c,d>> X
[a,b[c,d]] X
[a,b<c,d>] X
#Separate with curly brackets:
#You cannot name it directly. For example:
A[a,b,c] X
A<a,b,c> X
#Requires brace delimitation:
The PHG kernel is divided into three layers: basic grammar layer (PHG parser), node grammar layer (NODE parser), element and operation layer (element/nodecalc)
The basic syntax of PHG as a minimalist programming language is implemented in this layer. Specifically, it includes variable definitions, control statements, and function calls. This language belongs to the interpretive language, which directly interprets and runs according to the given string code. The custom function is defined in the position of the string code, Global custom functions are not currently supported, as follows:
- code structure
- Internal definition ptr points to the current running position of the string code.
- Member functions are used for reading, shifting and other operations when executing code.
- Internal oprstack valstack strstack each stack, used for stack parameter storage during code execution
- Internal funcnamemap is used for function code location calibration
- rank is an array of operator rank settings
- gvarmapstack variable stack
- dostring() directly interprets and runs this string
- Internal check for syntax errors, including Chinese character check, brace matching check.
- dofile() run this code file
- doexpr() run this string by expression
- register_api() register API
- If there is a syntax error, the code execution is interrupted, and the overall crash caused by the syntax error is avoided as much as possible.
In order to describe 3D scenes, a descriptive syntax is designed, drawing on syntax features such as JSON. The concrete realization is realized by constructing the tree data object. The tree object (tree) has functions such as traversal and query, as well as operations such as copying and copying, and is encapsulated into an API for external use:
- Nodes have attribute expressions in the form of (a.p), which can be accessed directly to modify the attribute values of nodes.
- im(),on() basic node, attribute access
- wak() traverses the tree structure and can execute statements node by node
- doexpr() runs the expression in the attribute and stores the final result as an attribute string
- dump() prints the entire tree
- Define an operable class object (var_t) that overloads operators to implement variables and operations defined in the script. This variable class object has The three data types: int, float, and string are distinguished by type tags. In addition, there is a resource ID, the user can pass this ID To index the resource data defined by yourself, such as Boolean operations, 3D objects, etc. have their own defined resource data (mesh, transform, etc.). in addition There are function pointers in the class object (var_t) that can point to the operation functions defined by the external resource class, including: four arithmetic operations, set() and so on.
- Various operations are implemented in the function _act().
- The operation of the node is in another module (nodecalc), and the node, that is, the tree object (tree), has its own defined operation logic, which can realize some intelligent operations.
- Addition operation The result of adding two nodes is their nearest common parent node.
- Subtraction Subtracts the second node of its children from the first node.
The extension of PHG is divided into two ways: element overload extension and custom instance extension:
Element can define an element class derived from var_t or varbase_t class, and then overload the operation. This method is used in scenarios such as Boolean operations, skipping the node layer and directly deriving from the base syntax layer.
Use the resource ID method to expand the element object. You can define a resource class at will, associate it with var_t through the resource ID, or use its function pointer. Specifically:
Define a resource list (reslist), a res(var), through var.resid, query the resource list and return a resource class pointer.
setup() is used to traverse the tree structure, calculate the variables (such as transform) that need to be calculated in the resource class, and prepare before drawing (if it needs to be drawn).
PHG supports the parsing and exporting of json, xml and other formats, and there are special parsing classes to implement them. Support http communication. There are several ways to use PHG:
It can use a single model or encapsulate it as a class or structure, and the instances can be resolved independently or share some data.
Encapsulates an interface module, which exposes limited interfaces internally.
If you need to access internal objects such as node objects, you can include the implementation code into the PHG instantiation module. (Refer to the code implementation of the cabinet project for details)
You can use the dynamic link library to call the phg interface
Can allow other programming languages such as VB, C#, etc. to call the PHG interface and obtain data
The use of http server can support web pages JS, PYTHON, UNITY, VB and other clients, and obtain the result data by returning json, which is convenient for clients to use
- -base
- +--element.hpp #Element class and operation overloading
- +--node.hpp #Node parser
- +--phg.hpp #phg basic parser
- +--phg_head.hpp
- -entity
- +--entity.hpp #3D entity implementation
- +--nodecalc.hpp #Node logic operation implementation
- +--sprite.hpp #Interface 2D sprite implementation
- -net
- +--httplib.hpp # http library
- +--server.cc # http server
- -parsers
- +--jsonparser.hpp # json parser
- +--xmlparser.hpp # xml parser
- +--scene.hpp # Entry class
pip install phg_vis
from phg import vis
vis('{md:box 1 2 3}')