- https://arubacao.com - Christopher Lass (Software Engineer and DevOps)
- https://blog.agate.pw/ - Marco Agate (System Engineer, DevOps)
- https://blog.lepape.me/ - François Le Pape (Student & developer freelance)
- https://etra0.github.io/ - Sebastián Aedo (Computer Science student, interested in Game Hacking)
- https://fazi1058.github.io - Faezeh Roeinfard (Student)
- https://felixleger.com/ - Félix Léger (Sofware Developer and DevOps)
- https://guilhermesteves.dev/ - Guilherme Esteves (Software Engineer, Writer, Speaker)
- https://hesec.de - Patrick Hener (Security Researcher, Pentester and Coder)
- https://imsalone.com/ - Iancu makes stuff alone (Indie Game Dev)
- https://jonathan.rico.live/ - Jonathan Rico (Electronics Engineer)
- https://kartiniteknologi.id/ - Kartini Teknologi team (Tech podcast)
- https://tug.ro/ - Ashish Ranjan (Software Engineer)
- https://protocod.gitlab.io/blog/ - protocod (Web Developer)
- https://shinytoyrobots.com - shinytoyrobots (Eclectic journaling and essays)
- https://simeononsecurity.ch/ - SimeonOnSecurity (Security and Automation Blog)
- https://www.miroslavbucek.cz - Miroslav Buček (Product Manager, Smart Home company owner)
- https://fmg3d.com/ - Finn M Glas (Aspiring Physicist, Software Developer)
- https://nali.org/ - Nick Ali (Marketer)
- https://abhinav031.netlify.app/ - Abhinav Sriram (Digital Artist, Hobbyist)
- https://codigonovato.netlify.app - Javier Rangel (Dev and notes)
- https://easyitblog.info/ - Ivan Vaskevych (Staff engineer)
- https://0days.io Frederik Bøgeskov Krogsgaard (Cyber & Information Security)
- https://www.paepper.com/blog/ Marc Päpper (Machine Learning)
- https://0days.io - Frederik Bøgeskov Krogsgaard (Cyber & Information Security)
- https://codejuggle.dj/ - cornelk (Software Engineer and DevOps)
- https://walmyrcarvalho.com.br/ - Walmyr Carvalho (Senior Android Engineer and Google Developer Expert)
- https://blogdoang.com — Abdul Aziz (Cloud Architect, DevOps)
- https://4strodev.com - 4strodev (Backend developer working as fullstack :P)
- https://blog.vmichalak.com/ - Valentin Michalak (Software Engineer)
This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 10, 2023. It is now read-only.